2024 Spring Grafting Thread

I’ve unwrapped a few of my grafts today to check on them. This year, I decided to test a standard cheap black self-vulcanising tape. I found I could use it for both tiny and larger scions eventhough the temperatures were around or below 7-8°C.
I’ve had to apply another layer a few times as some unions expanded a lot and the tape actually gives nicely.

I was a bit worried that the grafts would overheat but that did not happen (I paited some with white grafting paint just to make sure.)
I noticed though that some mostly modified clefts developed bulges. Turns out there was some monster callusing going on. In some cases it looks almost like something between callus and air layering…

Apples in my repository tree (modified cleft+W&T)

The other side looks nice.

Same graft top of grafted branch:

Big Mao on monogyna hawthorn.

Btw the black stuff is bits of tape that I’m not digging out.

The unions won’t look pretty for a few years, but I like it on the hawthorn, considering that it has put on good 55cm and is still going. That thing is welded…

Most grafts are 'nicer" though. But I’m going to check if I can use this to repair some deer/rabbit damage and the likes. Or maybe prep some trees for summer cuttings.