Diazinon is still approved for most fruits. It’s not used much now commercially, and is restricted use. I have a neighbor with some fruit trees and still has some of the old non-restricted diazinon in his storage. It used to be his primary spray on his apples, peaches and plums, but he’s lost interest in his fruit trees and doesn’t spray them anymore.
Speedster, I don’t use a sticker with oil, I don’t think there is any point. You want the oil to evaporate ASAP.
On another thread re. dormant spray, Scott said his practice of delayed dormant spray is as follows:
“Delayed dormant (close to but not after 1/2” green leaves show): lime/sulphur, soy oil, sticker at dormant rates.".
Look like Scott adds sticker to his dormant spray.
I respect both your and Scott’s opinions.
" It used to be his primary spray on his apples, peaches and plums, but he’s lost interest in his fruit trees and doesn’t spray them anymore."
I guess that’s handy for you. Now your neighbor’s neglected orchard gets to serve as a petri dish of diseases and insects for you to contend with.
The main reason why I use a sticker is on my stone fruit dormant spray where I include copper. Copper is sprayed on as particles and you want them to stick to the tree for as long as possible. For lime-sulphur there is no need for a sticker. Up until a year ago I was putting copper on my apple dormant spray for fireblight, so I was needing a sticker. There is also no need for a sticker for oil.
Thanks, Scott. I just posted a new topic. Hopefully, you can help me with that one, too.
I know this is an extremely elementary question. What is used as a sticker?
Do you mean what is in the adhering agent of the sticker or what brands do we use?
If it’s the brand, I have used Bonide Turbo Spreader/Sticker and Nufilm 17. Turbo comes in a small bottle so it’s not expensive. Nufilm 17 comes in a gallon size and is more expensive at first glance. By volume, I think Nufilm is cheaper.
Alan Haigh has mentioned a brand called Tactic.
Thank you, mamuang. Either piece of information would have helped, but the way you answered was most helpful.
You are welcome. You can find Turbo in a lot of stores that carry Bonide products. I bought NuFilm 17 on line.
You probably need to look for Tactic on line, too. Alan seems to prefer Tactic over NuFilm17.
The research is Tactic sticks stuff best, but I don’t know if the difference is worth the price. It only comes in $80 jugs and requires 4 times the quantity as NuFilm which is about the same price in that quantity. Still, one cup treats 25 gallons so a gallon jug goes a long ways for a home owner.
Actually Tactic and Nufilm 17 are used at the same rates (both 1 pint/acre).
Tactic needs to be sourced from a farm chemical supply company. I can get it here from a nearby
one, Crop Protection Services, I was going to get it but given the prices will use up all my nufilm before going that route. And I have a nearly new jug of Nufilm now.
Olpea, I checked the labels provided by both manufacturers and it looks to me as though the suggestion is for double the amount for Tactic as highest rate with a typical dilute mix.
However, my math was still wrong and I am guessing that there is a new label for Tactic because by my calculations in the past I needed almost a cup of Tactic per 25 gallons to apply at highest rate when the label I just read calls for half that.
It is hard for me to believe that I made that mistake year after year as I do an annual review of the labels. I don’t think I will look into it however, because it will be a bit disconcerting if I discover I’ve been doing the math wrong- repeatedly!
Thanks for the correction Olpea. This will save me money as I’ve been going through about 6 jugs of Tactic per year.
The Nufilm label is a bit confusing to me, but it states “MILLER NU FILM 17 may be applied by ground, aerial or center pivot irrigation equipment. To extend the activity and increase the efficiency of insecticidal and fungicidal sprays on all crops use 1 pint of MILLER NU FILM 17 per acre when applied by ground, air or through pivot irrigation.”
For hydraulic gun it looks like the label for Nufilm recommends 6-8 per 100 gal. water for full dilute. They don’t say what area that will cover. I’m assuming an acre?
My Tactic label shows 8-16 oz. of Tactic per acre for spray gallonage above 50 gallons/acre.
It looks to me like Tactic and Nufilm are applied at the same rate for airblast at the max rates. Is that how you read it? This will be the first season I plan to use Tactic and want to make sure I’m applying it at the correct rate.
The 100 gallons of dilute spray is usually meant to spray less than half an acre based on conversions I’ve seen, including Cornell guidelines.
That’s what I would think too. Really low crops, like some vegetables would require only 100 gal/acre for full dilute. Of all the labels I’ve read (quite a lot) I’ve found surfactants are the most confusing.
Regarding the Nufilm label, if that’s the 100 gal is per 1/2 acre (full dilute for fruit trees) it would seem Nufilm is applied at the same rate as Tactic, even when using Nufilm with a hydraulic gun. Both would be used at a rate of one pint per acre (at max rate).
I’m trying to understand why you would use tactic at twice the rate as Nufilm. I want to get this right both in my airblast and in my hydraulic wand sprayer.
Olpea are you using both Nufilm and Tactic? To me it seems clear that for Tactic highest rate is 16 Oz per 100 gallons. For NuFilm 17 it’s 8 OZ. What is confusing is Tactic suggests 8-16 OZ while NuFilm’s range is much less at 6-8 Oz. Because I always apply at highest rates with my very low number of sprays approach the higher concentration is all I’m looking at.
I don’t think per acre at all except to convert it to per 100 gallons if per acre is all the info they give me. A mist blower distributes differently than a spray gun and very tall trees require more spray, whatever the acreage. The important thing is thoroughly covering all the leaves to the dripping point so per 100 gallons is the only useful measurement for me. The way the orchards I manage are laid out, figuring square footage is too much work anyway.
I have some Nufilm left over which I plan to use in my wand sprayer for my backyard orchard. I bought a case of Tactic this winter based upon the discussions we’ve had about it in the past. I plan to use tactic in the airblast sprayer for the larger orchard.