Any fire blight resistant(?) quince cultivars?

After all the (very) patient and dedicated care I gave them, my four Giant of Zagreb quince trees are affected with fire blight. I feel miserable but not much I can do, right? Growing them so far north was my pride and joy and by far the biggest attraction of my orchard.

But I would like to continue growing some anyway and read that some Russian cultivars COULD. be immune(?) from this condition.

If someone could name a few cultivas that are hardy to US zone 4 (if there is such a cultivar) I would greatly appreciate and start researching about them. Could be seedlings or scion woods but to what rootstocks? I had the four quince on Quince A…

Thanks a lot!


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I’ve been reading about quince on this forum lately trying to decide which one to grow, I came across some discussion in this thread, maybe @scottfsmith has some updates on this topic?