I have not purchased from American Meadows, but my wife did start a pollinator garden in our side yard garden bed. We have swamp milkweed, common milkweed, butterfly weed, echinacea, new York aster, white wood aster, wild bergamot, thin leaved mountain mint, brown eyed Susan, wild geranium, wild ginger, foam flower, lupine (from Maine and a nitrogen fixer), and wild columbine. I will HIGHLY recommend thin leaved mountain mint as it literally has over a hundred different insects visiting daily for a large portion of the summer. Wild bergamot is beautiful and attracts our hummingbirds but it gets to be about 6 feet tall once it’s started. The thin leaved mountain mint will slowly creep and take over a small area which for attracting pollinators is great but not good if you plant shorter things near it.