Anyone get pawpaw seeds from peaceful heritage before?

Here’s the pawpaw publications I’m aware of that list R.N. Peterson as an author. Were you referring to one of these?

Peterson, R. N., J. P. Cherry, and J. G. Simmons. “Composition of pawpaw (Asimina triloba) fruit [Flavor and aroma, eastern United States].” Annual Report Northern Nut Growers Association (1982).

Peterson, R. N. “Research on the pawpaw (Asimina triloba) at the University of Maryland.” Annual report of the Northern Nut Growers Association (USA) (1986).

Peterson, R. Neal. “Pawpaw (Asimina).” Acta Horticulturae 290 (1990): 567-600.

Huang, Hongwen, Desmond R. Layne, and R. Neal Peterson. “Using isozyme polymorphisms for identifying and assessing genetic variation in cultivated pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal].” Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 122.4 (1997): 504-511.

Pomper, Kirk W., Desmond R. Layne, and R. Neal Peterson. “The pawpaw regional variety trial.” Perspectives on new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alex.,Va (1999): 353-357.

Pomper, Kirk W., Desmond R. Layne, and R. Neal Peterson. “THE PAWPAW Taxonomy.” (1999).

Johnson, H. A., et al. “Evaluation of the biological activity of various North American paw paw (Asimina triloba) germplasms.” J Nat Prod 62 (1999).

Pomper, Kirk W., et al. “The pawpaw regional variety trial: background and early data.” HortTechnology 13.3 (2003): 412-417.

Peterson, R. Neal. “Pawpaw variety development: a history and future prospects.” HortTechnology 13.3 (2003): 449-454.

Crabtree, Sheri B., et al. “(109) The Kentucky State University Pawpaw Regional Variety Trial: 1998–2005 Overview.” HortScience 41.4 (2006): 1039-1040.

Pomper, Kirk W., et al. “The Kentucky Pawpaw Regional Variety Trail.” JOURNAL-AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 62.2 (2008): 58.

Pomper, Kirk W., et al. “Flowering and fruiting characteristics of eight pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] selections in Kentucky.” Journal of the American Pomological Society 62.3 (2008): 89-97.

Peterson, R. Neal, and Alan R. Biggs. “‘Wansevwan’, an Improved Pawpaw Cultivar with Mild Flavor and a Tendency for Single Fruit Clusters.” Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal 3.2 (2017): 44-46.

This is based on personal correspondence that I have maintained with all of those aforementioned, sans Lehman and Nolin now that both have passed though there are a fair few in the Indiana Nut and Fruit Growers Association and Pawpaw Grower’s Association that were right up there in terms of wealth of knowledge. Lehman was unique though. He was to pawpaws what perhaps Lang, Nugent, or Anderson were to sweet cherries.

The critical flaw in assimilating information is that it’s often out of date. This was why you assumed the Keedeysville, Wye, and Corvallis plantings existed, even though its been over 10 years since those specimen were alive.

It’s really not hard to get in touch with Neal, Kirk, Sherri, Johnson, Huang, etc… For me it all started with either a phone call, email, or some random encounter at some event.

If you’re using the information assimilated from their research papers, I would naturally assume you are in contact with them anyways, since that’s the academic norm.

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So you have no idea if the persons whose names you dropped have studied the issue - in fact any oral statements they made could have been based on information they assimilated in the past century.

K & W : based on 2017 paper from UMD discussing samples taken that year.
Corvallis: based on 2020 paper published in JAPS.