I have Ponca planted in an out of the wind spot. It appears that at -17F, I still have some green canes. In a span of three days, I also had -16F, -12F, -17F and a high of -1F in the middle somewhere. I’ll see if I have some surviving canes, but it’s happened before so I’m optimistic. There are some dead canes that need removed. I do have black fabric on the ground to help lock in moisture… and there was slight snow on the ground when these low temps happened.
I have seen alot of folks posting pics of Ponca on forums and on social medias… some are true and some are not. Ponca is the only one that i have seen with very short internodes and it looks totally different than most other blackberries. Here is a good example… plus worth noting how the canes are erect and his trellis isnt really doing much during a windy day.
May be of interest to some just starting out with these.
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I’m in suburbia and 20 deer live in our STREET. It’s insane.
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