Asian Pear, Persimmon, and Jujube from Seed

Did your Asian pear seedlings fruit yet? I’ve got a lot coming… I’m curious if its a good fruiting ratio.

Are there any zone 5b hardy jujubes that you know of?

I’ve grown asian pear and true quince from seed, then budded the seedlings with cultivars and given them away.

i think jujus can be hardy at zone5b, especially if grown on their own roots. Die-back(due to a severe deep-freeze in winter or a late frost in spring) can destroy an entire graft if graft is young and not thick enough. Older and thicker grafts don’t just have more dormant nodes that will rise to the occasion if actively growing buds get destroyed by a late frost, but are also have the advantage of thermal insulation due to thicker bark and larger internal volume.

if grown on own roots, jujubes are even more advantaged since roots have a larger content of osmotically active sugars and proteins which can serve as anti-freeze, and root meristem seems to have more “plasticity” in generating buds on as-needed basis, so even if severe die-back to the ground occurs, the cultivar can regenerate as root suckers


forgot to say, @tonyOmahaz5 grows plenty jujus and quite productive in Omaha :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Good to know, maybe I’ll do some at some point, I’ve got tons of, I think, wild pawpaws, and next purchase will probably be a cultivar pawpaw.

Not yet!