Big nod bamboo shoots.
How big does it get for you in those pots?
I have gone over to a friend’s house to harvest bamboo which she has planted for a privacy hedge. Lots of garden applications. When she mentioned she might move I ordered some Phyllostachys nigra - looked pretty. It is in my propagation beds now until I decide where to put it. I wonder if this kind does OK with wet feet and some shade?
That’s what I want , a friend that grows it at their place, lol.
I grow a clumping type that has to be in full shade, only morning sun is OK. Which fits perfect with my cottage. It is still struggling there. It will never spread, as it is a clumping type.
How tall does it get drew?
12-14 feet. I bought it here. @JustAnne4 they do not like wet feet, although some species might? Check around on the linked site for all the info one needs about bamboo!
Mine is 4 years old, and only 2 feet tall. It is barely hardy here. It died back badly that cold winter 3 years ago. Lived though. I need to move it to a better spot.’Scabrida’.html
I planted psyllostachys nuda, a running bamboo, in a Detroit suburb in 1997. It was a single plant, it is now a few thousands square feet thicket and over time has gone from about 5 ft to about 10 ft (its height in its natural range, though, is more like 15 ft). The shoots were excellent, too bad I moved.
Hi Jason.
The bigger pot the taller they could grow. This is 6,7 ft easily for me.
Hi Anne.
Some shade may be ok but not the wet feet for bamboos.
Bamboo does not like being wet. Where I came from, farmers grow bamboo as natural fences. They stop bamboo from spreading by digging deep trenches and fill it with water like creating a moat. Bamboo just stay on those islands.
My bamboo hedge is running bamboo. Some years, it can grow up to 20-25" following a mild winter. On a harsh winter, many die to the ground but new shoots would come up. The height would be about 10-15’ following a harsh winter.
I’ve many 7-8 years now.
Glib, you were not off Mack ave, north of Saint John’s main campus, are you? I’ve seen some bamboo there and your post made me think of it
JustAnne4. I’ve read that Arundo Donax is a North American native and it does just fine in very wet (even standing water) locations. The variegated form looks like 10 foot tall corn stalks. It is, however, not very good for cutting canes. I have it and it’s a super focal point plant. I just wish it had gotten much bigger (I get 3-4 canes a summer).
River cane (Arundinaria gigantea) is a species of bamboo native to the eastern US from southern Ohio south to Florida. It can get up to around 20’ in good conditions. It makes very nice poles/canes for trellises, etc. but not very big, only up to a little over 1" in diameter.
I think that is what I planted, looks more like corn.
this was in Livonia. It was one of the earliest square miles to be turned into 'burbs, 2-4 acres lots with lots of space in back. I saw it a few years ago, because there are mushroom spots in the woods in the back of the lot. Without mowing around it, it would be much bigger.
I have about a 10 acre wet area in the middle of my 52 acres. I just noticed a clump of Bamboo growing in it i have never seen before. I hear it can be quite Invasive and I am wondering if anyone can advice me as to if i should just leave it grow or burn it all out? Suggestions…
I think you would want to identify it first , some are more invasive than others
I guess I’ll get pictures when I get back this weekend. There are suddenly about 30-40 shoots 10-15 feet tall…
Definitely Arundo donax. It is a mediterranean giant grass no bamboo. Not hardy in your zone but will resprout every spring.