Beauty Plum


First ripe Beauty fruits of the season :slight_smile:


How’s the texture for you? Mine are almost bags of juice. I don’t care for them but a number of people love them.


Depending on ripeness, they are juicy to very juicy! I like them.


H’m… Mine are quite darker. I like how aromatic and juicy they are, although the flavor is kind of a watered down Santa Rosa.


My beauty plum ready in Seattle areas July 14th 19.

Really big fruit size, very juicy, beautiful color flesh but not too sweet, nothing special in flavor, clingstone. To me is very disappointed. Might not keep it .


It is probably because of the wet weather and less sun light this spring. Mine was much darker and sweet. I read bad reviews about it, but the Santa Rosa was unreliable and I needed something for pollination so I got it last October. Last month everything was big, watery and bland, even the figs. Now we need to have the drip irrigation on four times a day to stop the unripe fruits from falling, but all the fruits are much more flavorful and sweet. Maybe you could give it a chance until next year.


Thank you so much for advice. I will think about it. I need pollinator for my Emerald Beaut plum and room for Catalina Plum as well. But nobody in the areas have Catalina Plum yet . Beauty plum is very good for pollinating. I will taste again the rest of them left over unripe yet.

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It may depend on the local climate. I have four Catalina trees, they were the only plums that had a few fruits at Cal Poly Pomona nursery at that time. They are very shy bearer for me. I always thought they are self-fruitful but not a good pollenizer. Burgundy is the same, just more fruit set, sweet skin and all, but not much flavor. In 2017 Santa Rosa flowered the same time as everything else and we had good fruit set on everything. This year it flowered very late when everything else set fruits already. However I had a Beauty and a Weeping Santa Rosa added last October. They flowered early and all the plums and pluots set heavily so I don’t know which tree did the work, or both. This is the second time in many years that the Splash pluots are big, red and so good, Usually they were of orange colored, small and sad. Emerald Beaut requires Beauty, Late Santa Rosa etc. for pollenizer. Last year I only had a few fruits but they were very good. This year they have a lot. One tree has fruits with greenish yellow skin as supposed to be, while the other tree has purple tinted skin.They are not ripe yet so I don’t know if the texture and taste will change.


The first ripe Beauty plums I picked this year darkened up after being indoors a few days. All the ripe fruits on the tree are darker now too – our weather has shifted from cool to warm.


Mine were picked from 6/12 to 6/30. They were of a very bright and beautiful red color for a while, but turned very dark and good by the time we started picking. It was funny because after we bought it from San Jose and put in a 25 gallon container in October, it had some flowers and set fruits in late November. The fruits were small and didn’t mature a month later when we picked them off. I thought that was the end, but it flowered again and had normal fruits like other plums this year.


Information said Catalina self fertile and taste test winner and production tree that why I am interesting. Now I don’t really know what to do
Beauty plum do really good here but I am disappointed for its flavor of this year. I just like good quality for fresh eating plum not for jam
I don’t really understand why Emerald Beaut needs beauty or late Santa Rosa but not others Japanese plum for pollinating. Anyway thank you so much for your information especially on Catalina Plum .


This is from the Dave Wilson website

“Pollenizer required: Beauty, Burgundy, Late Santa Rosa, Nubiana, Flavor King Pluot.”

Sorry. I was just lazy and listed the two I think will work well. :wink:

The reason I think they may work well because I have two Flavor King trees that were covered with flowers but set no fruit last year. They have a lot of fruits this year, and they are located near the new Beauty and Weeping Santa Rosa.

This site has information on everything from Dave Wilson Nursery. Please make sure your check under the " For Home Gardens" tab because the “Estimated Chilling Requirement” are often much higher under “For Commercial Orchards”.


The Weeping Santa Rosa is a beautiful plant if you have room and climate for it. It puts on a great show in the spring and then provides great crop in early summer.

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It was the only one at Bay Lauren. The young worker pointed out for me the few times we were there. He was so excited when he finally saw us bringing it to the car, and kind of came to say bye to the tree. I think it was there for a few years already. I didn’t have the heart to tell him we don’t have the space and it will be in a 25 gallon container. I know it is a beautiful tree and will let it grow as much as it can. We can’t put trees on the hillside anymore because of the care required for all the animals and birds.


Today Janet used about 2 gallons of plums to make 19 rosettes and 3/4 gallon of plum juice!


Yum! I want one!


These rosettes taste exactly like cherry pie. I may abandon my attempts to grow low chill cherry.


Beauty Jam from Beauty plum .


Nice. See what I mean about the color?