Beetles (among others)have become a problem- 2020 treatment

I was just inquiring with greatlakesipm about our top orchard pests and received this excellent response from Laurie with details on lures we need to build or buy traps. I think we need to target stink bugs as well in my location. I know stink bugs were also brought up and have been multiple other times on numerous posts. @alan deals with many pests on a regular basis for his customers so he may have additional insight on dealing with these agressive pests. @alan because of your reminder i included an inquiry for stinkbugs and feel they could be dealt with using similar traps.

"Dear Clark,

Yes, we do sell a trap for the green June beetle. The recommendation is using the Japanese Beetle Trap Top Green with the Japanese Beetle Trap Cage.

Parts number are as follows:

GL/TR-9001-02G JB Trap Tops Green 2 per case $ 21.00

GL/TR-9001-25G JB Trap Tops Green 25 per case $ 262.50

GL/TR-9002-02 JB Trap Cage 2 per case $ 15.80

GL/TR-9002-25 JB Trap Cage 25 per case $ 195.00

GL/TR-3449-02 Green June Beetle Lure 2 per case $ 18.00

GL/TR-3449-10 Green June Beetle Lures 10 per case $ 45.40

We also carry the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug Lures and the Stinkbug Stiky Dual Panel Traps.

GL/TR-3326-05 Stinkbug Stiky Dual Panel Traps 5 per case $ 18.83

GL/TR-3718-05 Trécé PHEROCON BMSB Dual Lures 5 per case $ 32.65

Laurie Darmody

Great Lakes IPM

7563 N Crystal Rd

Vestaburg MI 48891


From: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 10:07 AM
To: Laurie Darmody <>
Subject: Contact Us

Your Name Clark
Your Email [Clarkinks
Question or Comment Do you have any traps that will work for the green junebeetle? They have became a huge problem in recent years as i discussed on this online fruit growing forum Beetles (among others)have become a problem- 2020 treatment
In addition may i ask if you have effective stink bug lures available?

I will speak with @39thparallel to see if he can modify some traps for me this year to address these concerns. This trap he built last year worked excellent as discussed here The Ultimate Japanese Beetle trap