Beetles (among others)have become a problem- 2020 treatment
Your PC bait.
Must be a lot of it. Its pretty expensive.
Think they have CM bait too.


(" Beetles ( among others ) have become a problem ")
This sounds like a quote from Nixon :sweat_smile: !


I’m looking for a glass half full moment…

Where infestation rates are high and a trash-can-trap is warranted and used, I wonder about the nutrient content of decomposing beetles. It seems like a shovel of beetle slime would be a great addition to the orchard floor.

Somewhere, at some time, somebody must have collected data related to this.


That’s the 100 pack. Looks like they’re $5.30 each, $87 for 25.


Japanese Beetles are a major nuisance here and I have fought them for years :man_facepalming: I may get some milky spores and try those! They have kept some of my grapes from growing at all some years… Or rather kill what growth that they made. Muscadines must not be as tasty to them? On the other hand, Junebugs aren’t usually a problem in our area… They are here but perhaps they have a different food source here? As kids we use to catch them and tie a thread to there leg and fly them around the yard :joy: They usually wiggle free after a few minutes and fly away.

Gonna try for sure to control the JBs though :+1:


The baits look just like the japanese beetle baits. Think the japanese beatle trap would work on PC an CM with their baits?


@LTCider I have been using japanese beetle fertilizer for a few years now. Although I have not noticed any increases in growth I have to believe they love it. Otherwise what to do with all the beetles.


We have three or four different areas that have fruit trees/bushes on them, spread out over the 2 acres we maintain. If I use milky spore, does it have to be spread out over the entire 2 acres, or just in the areas with the trees/bushes? I ask because, say if I didn’t lay the MS every place where the J beetles are over-wintering, won’t they just fly over to my trees/bushes anyway?

Also, I seem to have noticed quite a few holes about 1 inch in diameter around these areas. Can I assume these are mole/vole tunnels? If I get rid of the beetles with the MS, will that also get rid of the rodents, as they tend to feed on the grubs?


Any replies to my previous post? That is, will the beetles just emerge from areas that hasn’t been treated with MS and still end up flocking to my trees? And, if you get rid of the beetle grubs, will that reduce the vole/mole population in that area? Thanks.

I was wondering the same thing actually.

Yes and yes! If you get rid of the beetle grubs you will get rid of the moles. They will still come from other areas.


Moles also feed on earthworms,so those might keep some

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I think the beetles will come in from other areas. Unless you can treat those areas .( M.S.)
Here I seem to have little damage from the adults,
But I did notice a lot of grubs in the soil last year when I was digging in sod.
I can not afford to treat the entire farm at the rate they recomend for milky spore.
But I am thinking of applications at a much reduced rate, over a large area. It multiplys in the soil as it kills grubs. So I think it will slowly spread.
And you don’t need to put milky spore “near the fruit trees.,”
But put it on all the sod, that’s where the grubs live,
I have heard that moles etc in the yard are a sign of grubs,
So it may help with that.?


I have a bag of milky spores on the way right now. When exactly is the best time to spread it? I seem to have read that it is when you see first signs of the adults? Or is it a bit later than that? Or am I way off base and need to apply before I even see them?

I seem to remember late summer ? Not sure.
When the adults are laying eggs in the sod .

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Thank you Sir :+1: I guess the packaging will also probably have some advice on the matter as well…?

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So very much hoping that this really has an impact on the amount of JBs at my locale :blush:

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