Beginner at growing persimmons and grafting

I have not intentionally harvested suckers ,
But I have cut the roots say with a tractor and plow , / heavy equipment. And the cut roots will sprout shoots .
So root cuttings look possible .

Three years ago a much-loved Daphne shrub got severely damaged, but not killed, in a windstorm. To try to save it, I wounded the bark and ground-layered a couple of low-lying branches, holding them down with a rock and mounding soil around the wounded/hormone treated section. One struck roots, and the next spring I cut it off from the mother plant and planted it in another spot. It is now three feet tall and doing great. I guess I’ll try the same thing with any suckers I get from the 'simmon stump. I will also try root cuttings after doing a bit of research on them.

I once had an enormous male persimmon tree on my property line that would occasionally drop a random small hard fruit. Years later (this spring) when I saw a small tree sprouting in the flower bed 50 or 60 feet from where it once stood I got the wisenheimer idea too move it. This is what I found.

So check the perimeter around your stump for suckers too.

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I’m guessing the odds of what you did with your shrub working with a persimmon are practically zero, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you could get root cuttings to grow.

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