Best Mail Order ? Best Search Engine?

Please stop capitalizing words for no reason. We can read. Capitalizing words on a message board is impolite. The best search engine is google.

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Or you could go to and
do the search in German if so inclined.

Biggest search engine doesn’t equal “best” in all circumstances. Should there be just one apple on the shelf at the supermarket to select from?

3.3 Billion searches are made on in China daily…probably more than that.
Yandex holds first place in Russia. is in the top 5 in most every nation…for it offers more privacy. is a Canadian option.

I have ordered poms from fruitwood nursery in northern california. They do have the cultivars you are seeking. Look for rooted cuttings. They will be small but they are only $6, they will be healthy and robust and in my experience will flower in 3 years on average. Also they supply planting justice in the bay area. Their plants will be larger but still priced well with reasonable shipping. Finally, bayflora in california has most of what you are looking for with discounted shipping to CA addresses. Very healthy beautiful plants. Their specimens always make me smile and feel like I cheated them.


Have seen that, always wondered if it were too small to mess with and they raised it to 7 now

Why should I have to pay 3 or 4 x the price of something available in other states for much less ? California is the highest priced on most EVERYTHING . and I like caps grow up and quit insulting people.

startpage has given me a slightly better result actually, the special search terms and boolean terms are throw out on most of the search engines now days so you just get the terms that are paid for ranking results results. bid words, ad words etc.

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Like I said California has a big agriculture industry so there is likely additional hoops to jump through as a nursery. We cannot help that. Places that are highly populated seem to typically have higher COL than other places that are smaller in general. California has some good nurseries though. Many mail nurseries I find are either in California, right above it in Washington or Oregon or in the New York/states surrounding New York area. Places like Bay Laurel and Trees of Antiquity are in CA are pretty reasonably priced.

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When one imports plant material into CA the state imposes expensive phytosanitary certificates and border inspections of the plants. This is not done in every state and also the reason many nurseries will not sell to CA addresses. In addition CA imposes strict trucking regulations, often forcing product be reloaded at the border onto a compliant truck. Finally. CA fuel is roughly double what other states pay. All of these combine to create expensive shipping.

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Wish I could, the regularity nightmare would be way too costly.

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If you use facebook join a local garden group and attempt a purchase or swap.


I have noticed that the plants from specialized / upscale nurseries here do not do as well as the ones locally grown.

Also took me a few years to figure out that many trees in my yard are alleopathic

Almost all message boards have a policy against using all caps. It is likely that you are causing a discussion among the moderators. You are most certainly causing other users to flag your posts for moderator intervention. It would be nice if this message board continued to operate without implementing rules. Using all caps is discourteous to the other members. Your posts are also confrontational made worse by using all caps.


Some of the members you claim have very thin skin are charter members of this message board. Many of us have coexisted for many years despite drastically differing views. You are not getting off to a great start.

My views are very often much different than many others here. I don’t think I have had a post flagged in 10 years


There is many reasons trees can act different than other trees or other plants. Rootstock can play a big difference in trees. Nemagaurd rootstock is not hardy to where I live despite the peach cultivar possibly living here just fine. Likewise for quince rootstocks for me with pears. Likewise that may grow for someone more south of me just fine. Some rootstocks handle clay soil better or sandy soil better. Sometimes it is cultivar too. Genetic dwarf peaches and a lot of Lavender does not grow as well where I live due to the cold temps where I live but regular peaches and some lavender do just fine here. In fact some lavender is invasive where I live. Sometimes it can just take time for roots to pick up. I first started my tree collection with 2 cherry trees. The first year one cherry tree grew like a weed in a 30 gallon pot and the one in a 40 gallon pot hardly grew. The one in the 30 gallon pot almost filled up the pot with roots that took over the first year. The second year the one in the 40 gallon pot caught up or even surpassed the cherry tree in the 30 gallon pot. Time will tell when the 3rd full season brings. It is worth noting many trees grow at much different rates too. Mulberry trees grow amazingly fast as do peaches. My apples and pears grow at a much slower speed than those do though. Even though my peaches were started the same year as my cherries my peaches have thickened their stems far more than the cherries. My cherries have put out way more side branches than my peaches though.

I didn’t think anything about it until you were criticized for it. So people have different styles of communicating. Big deal!

One Green World

continues to impress as a search engine.
(Though you can’t do youtube from there),


This annoys me more than almost everything else online. SEO was supposed to make everything so much better, but now you can only find those who effectively pay for placement. All those search refinement tools - gone.
Sorry to kick this long dead horse, as I now see this post was from several months ago, but I’ve needed to vent on this all week. And, most of my searches these days are for plants. I don’t think my poms are going to make it.


I just did a search for this variety and Dave Wilson nursery has a long list of what nursery to buy online. Bay Laurel from California has this variety.