Best method for aphid control

I live in Italy and got this product made in England


I see it has warning for young trees to apply a paper band first. This is correct.


How old were the trees that died? I put some painter’s tape around my 3 year old peach to protect it from the grease

They were 5 to 6 years old.

I wish there was something besides a love response…like a crying face.

I put this grease on a couple of trees that are at least 10 years old and one that’s probably 6-8

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Decades ago I put Tanglefoot on 10 to 15 year old trees with no problem. I’m allergic to reading product instructions, that’s what did me in.


On young trees, I always put tape around the trunk before applying Tanglefoot; but on older trees with rough bark, tape will leave holes. So, on such trees, I’ve been applying the Tanglefoot directly to the bark for at least 15 years and have never noticed any problems.

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The problem with Tanglefoot besides being a PIA to deal with is that it kills birds if they get it on their feathers. I used to buy it by the bucket as a squirrel deterrent but I’m glad I don’t need it anymore. A narrow strip on a tree to stop ants would be fine, but you have to stir it occasionally or they will build a corpse bridge.

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