Best slicer tomato for taste?

Thanks for the strong rec for Brandy Boy. I will add it to my list of ones to try here. Brandywine doesn’t do well here IIRC but I haven’t tried it myself. Mostly because a bunch of folks told me it didn’t do well here. But a cross might fare better.

I’m happy to see Stump of the World mentioned. In 2021, I planted many many varieties, then we had a major heat wave earlier than I was prepared for (mostly water issues) and most of my tomatoes died. But not Stump, and the flavor was amazing. The next year, we had a very cool spring, and many tomatoes were delayed and didn’t produce well, but Stump just cranked out its delicious tomatoes like nothing was wrong. I’ll always grow it.


Is that the one you have for sure? Asking since you had a ? at the end of your comment :slight_smile:

Could it be this one:

I’ve had my eye on this one for a bit. Haven’t bought it yet since I keep forgetting to sit and research it.

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Very cool @scottfsmith . Thanks for the rec. Never heard of this one. Wonder how it does in CA. I’m going to look for the seed and try to try it.

I’ve never tried that either but I’ve definitely tried harvesting a whole bunch of green ones off the vines when I decided it was enough and needed to flip the space to my winter veggies. Then I’ve layered them in a cardboard box with paper towels or brown paper between them and put in a ripe banana and mostly closed the box and put it in the garage (this is CA so it’s not a very cold garage - but it’s still not heated). I had to check every 2-3 days to find any that were originally bruised and now rotting but in general got about 70% to ripen well and used them for sauces/freezing/etc.

Nice to see this 2nd rec. I’m definitely going to have to try this one now. Thanks!

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Stump OTW is an excellent tomato. It is very productive and has very good sweet tomato flavor. Its only flaw in my garden is a tendency to produce variable size fruit, particularly near the end of the season. It is not very tolerant of foliage diseases. If you want a good tomato to compare with Stump, get Daniels. It produces large numbers of consistently large fruit with excellent flavor. When people complain about Brandywine’s low production, I suggest Daniels. When people complain about Stump’s variable size, I suggest Daniels.


Ah nice! I just put in an order for Stump and a few others from Tomato Growers. Didn’t see this post before I clicked submit :slight_smile: … Will add this to my list to look out for next.

My 2 cents:

At 2200 feet in the Sierra Nevada near Placerville.

My winners were

Esmeralda Golosino. Super intense green tomato flavor. Just awesome imho.

Amarillo Cherry (F1 Hybrid from Literally over 1000 tomatoes from one medium size plant. Orange cherry, sweet, never splits.

Candy Bell (F1 Hybrid from . Pale Pink to rose colored. Perfectly round. Mild flavor but very sweet. 100s from a supposed determinant. It spralled everywhere!!

Patty’s Striped Beefstake- best flavor but only got one!

Absolute looser…Black Blue…never again.

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A local lady sells them at her greenhouse and they have been in her family since pre-depression. Some local doctors, lawyers etc have tried to get her to take them public but she wont do it. She just grows a few flats out and enjoys the repeat customers that she can talk to.

These that i grow may be a new cultivar… or may be the one i linked as its the closest i can get to a description.

I dont want to get too nerdy with them but i do know that they are fantastic.

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That’s very cool.

Anyone tried growing Rugby tomato? I was just listening to the Davis Garden Show podcast and Don Shor is now recommending it highly as a canning/cooking tomato.

Seems like it’s this one:

Looks like it has b^og (high carotene), Verticillium, Fusarium, and tomv. IMO, this is a bit lacking for disease resistance. I would not expect it to do very well in the Southeast. Look up Stellar F1 for a better disease package.

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Thx will do. He is apparently very happy with it in Davis CA.