Blackberries, Raspberries and Hybrids

i have been growing Jacyln for 5 years now. a large, good tasting berry. they fruit about the same time as autumn britten which are in there with them. mine came from Hartmann’s.


Crimson Giant Red Rasp is somewhat available at a few nurseries.

Yield is comparable to those observed in ‘Himbo Top’ and ‘Polka’ with better fruit quality and 40-50% larger fruit than those varieties

seems like a workhorse with larger berries.


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It is a full month after Heritage as a primocane so in z5 that doesn’t work unless in a high tunnel maybe

Primocanes for me are out of favor right now; SWD has become a problem and I have been focused on floricanes; unfortunately the cold hardy floricanes are not terribly exciting (Killarney, Latham, Canby, Nova, etc); I do have Prelude and Encore which I do like. I would love to grow Tulameen etc but since they come from the PNW and PARC they don’t like it cold.

There is a lack of exciting cold hardy floricanes in the US (but plenty of great exciting primocanes and floricanes for z7)

I am going to trial some European floricanes that are cold hardy (Sokolica and Przehyba), so it should be interesting

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Have you tried Himbo Top? As productive as prelude, maybe more so.
Ripens a day or two earlier than Prelude. Pretty much at the same time which is early. It is ever bearing but will give you a good sized floricane crop.
I would top early to try and get laterals going. Not sure it will work? Nourse has it rated to zone 4. I don’t tip as I grow for both crops.

Thinking about it they tip primocane blackberries maybe I should be tipping?
It’s the first primocane crop so one has time to delay fruiting.


I do

Himbo Top and Joan J are our 2 workhorses, and I am a big fan of both

I am adding floricanes, though

My family does like yellows and I will trial Yellow Giant as well even though it is a primocane as well as Cascade Gold (floricane)


where did you find those European ones?

acc eden is also a good floricane producer from nova scotia. has big berries with little spines. bigger canes than joan j but need no trellising. i need to move mine because i lost many to root rot. they are at the bottom of a rise. got mine from Indiana berry but they don’t carry them anymore.

Golden Black Raspberry-

Marg’s Golden Black Raspberry

Pic from Etsy of seeds being sold. ‘Goldenberry’

Nice video of a volunteer

History of the plant-


Hey y’all, I’m a little confused when it comes to pruning my young blackberries. Right now I have two primocane fruiting varieties, prime ark freedom and prime ark 45, plus a recently potted Ponca that will be going in the ground from a 1 gallon in a month or so.

I guess I’m wondering, when they are small plants, do those count as canes as well? My PAF has like one big chunky stem that it had when I got it that is resprouting this year, so this is a floricane technically and should be cut at the end of the season? Same with the PA45 stems that grew last year? And the brand new Ponca stem that I just got doesn’t count? Or next year it will technically be a floricane too?

Just double checking haha. I’m seeing flowers on my PAF and 45 and I’m so stoked! Woohoo. Not expecting any berries really this year but prime ark 45 grew like gangbusters last year so maybe it will give me some.

I have so many plants I often don’t cut floricane off till long after they are dead. If in doubt leave it. It won’t hurt anything. It is mostly cosmetic removing canes. Some worry about disease but in the wild nobody removes the canes. Pests like live canes not dead ones.

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gold blackcaps that have a slight wintergreen taste - amazing!

however I don’t have the time, patience, energy, or space to grow out a bunch of seeds for a couple of years looking for one offspring that hopefully makes golden berries with a wintergreen taste… if someone else wants to go through that, and then start propagating it and selling plants, I’d sure pay a premium for one.

Makes more sense for someone to go to that original patch out in the woods and tip-root it though to start propagating, doesn’t it?

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Man i wish u could appear on my mums TV every evening with this Exact message untill she gets it. Every autum she gets something on her mind like “tidying up the garden” and then she cutts all my tayberrybcanes​:pensive: some leaded canes reached ten meters and its even the Thornless Buckingham :rofl:. One year i cought her in the act of doing it and was able to save some. Yet this winter again she cutted everything down​:triumph: i still love her anyways

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Nice photos! Cool setup. So delicate looking, interesting. Yeah parents grandparents mean well and intentions are good. My dad was the same way. Once he tried to cut down this tree and I stopped him. Turns out he was right, I regret it now. Fifteen hundred regrets as that what it cost me to remove the now giant troublesome seed pod shedding locust tree! It did make some of the best firewood I ever burned! More BTU’s per cord than oak. Well my dad is saying I told you so up there somewhere RIP.

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IDK…and YMMV but Oikos says (said) that the yellow black raspberry seeds that they sell produce yellow fruited black rasps but on a rare occasion will be black fruited.

" Even produced from seed, the seedlings also produce seedlings with yellow colored fruit. It does happen that an occasional seedling will produce black fruit but it is quite rare. "

TylerJ who posted on houzz and ourfigs talked about his yellow caps and he grew his from seed.

Drew talked about the plants he got from Tyler here…but he didnt say if he grew them from seed or not… since Tyler is in Canada i guess talking about sharing plant material is forbidden since my posts about that got me flagged and my post deleted… im guessing sharing seed is ok?

I am not interested in these myself just passing along info as i have been trying to figure out some yellow rasps that make no sense on FB…i think they are yellow caps now that i read more about them.

This makes me wonder a very stupid question. Has anyone bred any golden purple rasps? By that I mean crossing golden raspberries and golden black raspberries. Not that there’s likely to be any advantage (but who knows) this is just particularly amusing to me

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Heres where im at with it… two ways give or take about how to prune-

If you want a big primocane crop- pinch tips at 1.5 feet then pinch those laterals at the same length… that should give you a crop at 4-6 feet right at the top wire give or take. That will give you a floricane crop at about 2-3 feet as the tips will be spent the next year.

If you want a big floricane crop then dont tip- this will give you a small pcane crop at about 10 feet which if bent laterally will be pickable. if not bent laterally you will need to pick when the cane bends down due to weight. The spent tips that fruited will leave you with 6 feet or more of floricane canes… which as i posted a pic before will give you an enormous floricane crop very early the following year (May/June) depending on climate.

Im sure there are other variations but you can tip one and not tip the other if you have two and get a big pcane crop on one and a big fcane crop on the other…

Ponca- is a compact plant anyways and not only fruits on laterals but secondary laterals. So no real need to tip it that i can see. Mine gets cold damage every year and i pulled mine last week. I am usually left with half a plant in my Z6B/7 location. YMMV.

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I’m in NC piedmont so our yearly lows usually don’t drop below 20 and almost never below 15, and only for a few hours even then so hopefully I have better luck with Ponca. Thanks so much for the tips! I’m interested to see how well the primocane crops do here, I’ve heard it’s too hot some years for them to produce good quality fruit so maybe better to prune for massive.floricane crops! Who knows! How do you protect from birds and squirrels?

I got a plant from Tyler when it wasn’t hard to transfer plant material. You just had to pay for a certificate
Tyler mostly mailed seed out as yes the seed has some yellows but mostly blacks. I kept one from a cross and it’s black. Lynn’s Black is the name. I scraped two others as they were not primocane fruiting. They were black. . I’m going to back cross Lynn with the Ontario yellow. Try to get a yellow primocane fruiting.


PAF and PA45 flowers! Woohoo!! This is only their second year and first year in ground so not expecting much. Anyone know why my PAF has a couple yellow new leaves? It’s only one or three stems maybe. I did have to dig it up from where it was planted over winter and put it in a new spot because I moved, so that could be it.

my father would wait until the old canes turned dry and brittle. then he would go through and just snap them off.

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