Blooming times versus genetic compatibility

Unless you just want to wait, you could do summer grafting if you can locate the variety you want near you. You can graft as soon as buds between the shoot and leaf axils are mature (these would be buds that will grow next spring) either use them to chip bud or graft the whole scion once you have plucked off the foliage and sealed them with parafilm. This does require completing the graft within one or two days immediately after cutting the scions. So that means you can’t ship or mail green wood scions. I usually do Greenwood grafting around mid August.
Kent, wa

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DennisD- Wow! I’m really behind the times! I’d never heard of summer grafting before! Did you mean “parafin”? I used to have some of that somewhere. As for pears pieces to graft onto my Ubileen tree, I guess I would have to put out a notice somehow, to folks in my county in NY. Altogether, I have homework to do…. Thanks!