Blue Pearmain apple

Today’s snack-- a Blue Pearmain. If it was good enough for Thoreau, then it’s good enough for me.


Fall is in the air this morning in Maine, and so are my BPMs…as they have started to drop from my first ever grafted tree. Harvest will last over a couple weeks as they don’t all ripen at once. Beautiful blue bloom on these freshies. A teeny bit of scab on a few, minor insect damage, pretty good for nonsprayed fruit. My favorite apple!
A big one-

The trunk has now healed over fully, compare to the pic I took in '15.

Best crop yet on my trees, hope this trend continues into the future!


Jesse you like bpm better than black oxford and golden russet? Also you are still waiting for canadian strawberry to fruit, correct?

A great question. I’m looking forward to @JesseS’s response.

Still waiting on Canadian Strawberry, correct.
There’s a considerable amount of sentimentality involved with my ranking BPM as #1 favorite apple. It was the variety that I found growing here which captured my imagination and launched me into orcharding. That being said it is a wonderful all around apple.
Comparing to BO, it is better off the tree but doesn’t keep as long. Both are great all around apples.
Comparing to GR is trickier as I don’t have it fruiting at my place yet, a neighbor’s tree will be giving me a fodder for a fresh assessment shortly.
Truthfully, my favorite apple does change over the course of the season too…in a month it could be Northern Spy (finally got some!), in a couple months I will probably be calling Goldrush my fav😉.

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So many apples. So much love. What is the point of apple monogamy?


That is a good looking apple. Thanks for posting.

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really awesome you’re keeping those old varieties going jesse!. i just ordered a Garfeild King yellow transparent from st. lawrence nursery. the original tree is in Ft. Kent on charette hill and is over 120 yrs. old. thought to have been brought here by catholic monks from Quebec. . when i was a kid we used to pick these apples. we called them striped apples due to the red striping on them. my mother/ grandmother considered them the best cooking/ sauce apple. i love the blue hue on yours. i remember picking some apples like that but don’t remember where or when.

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