Buds Flowers and Fruit - 2023 Edition

My very first feijoa flower ever just started opening this morning, with some others just a little more behind:


Been there

Somebody should’ve asked me to thin. It was too much for the branches to carry. Broke it in half :weary:

I’m covered in fruit this year. And it looks like I’ll get to eat some because my neighbor trapped 2 of the 3 groundhogs that destroyed everything. One more to go and then I only have squirrels to deal with. They haven’t been too bad this year. Looks promising.


Those are some nice size jujubes Naeem. I was thinking mine will set fruit any day now but I guess this is again be another year the tree is covered in blooms but no fruit. I can’t figure out what’s going on. I grafted part of the tree over to honey Jar and another variety that PharmerDrewue sent me, I forget the name. The grafts did great and grew about 2 feet. Covered in bloom. I was wondering whether it’s ok to let a new graft fruit but I guess I won’t have to worry about that. If it was going to fruit it would’ve fruited by now. Since you already have fruit in the same area…/

My Giant Belgium, it’s taking a long time, but it does get fatter, so that is good, especially with Giant in the name of the variety, it sets expectations, haha.

My first zucchini of the season, I can’t believe I’m excited about zucchini, lol

Tiny yellow crookneck female flowers, not bad for just planting it less than 3 weeks.


I am not doing anything special. There is still some time left for flowers to set fruit because jujube keep flowering for a while. I learned you need to provide good moisture during hot or dry spells otherwise flowers will drop or die even more.

My jujubes are only just starting to form fruitlets in abundance. Look into the center of the flowers and the successful ones will start to grow a little green mountain shape right in the middle.

What’re all those pears you’ve got fruiting?

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The green pears are Clara Frijs and the red ones are Red Bartlett.


Moonlight in Paris, new rose in my garden

Queen of Elegance

Boscobel is supposed to be a small bush

Pope John Paul II

The Pride


Pearly Gates, I like this new rose

Eden Climber


Santa Rosa and Satsuma Plums grafts are sizing up nicely :smile: :smile:.


I was surprised to see some White Heavenly this morning, I don’t know if I get any with the squirrels, but it’s nice to see them.

My navel orange tree, I don’t do anything to this tree, not even pruning, it does what it wants, but the fruit is very sweet, the circle is for jujube fruit in the back

My other free loader, Hollywood plum, no fruit yet, but I will keep it for the beautiful leaves. Hey, who says beauty doesn’t matter? But seriously it hides some ugly concrete wall.

Jalapeño and Ajarvaski peppers from last year

Black Jack fig tree with a BNR graft


Arctic Sweet nectarine…fresh picked


Illini hardy blackberries




Rosa persica hybrids, don’t know the variety names by heart


So I’ve been ignoring these Satsuma plums, I took off the tin foil and they are still here. Very weird year, this Satsuma is supposed to be ripen after Santa Rosa, but it’s not, however I found another very green Satsuma nearby. I’m debating of picking these 2 plums this weekend, the heatwave will be here.

My grape plants, I was growing DA rose near this column but when in the mid of summer, the rose just looks ugly, so I moved it and planted grapes instead, a ready pergola and very sunny spot. I’m training these 2 plants to move up. 2 grape plants in one hole.

Fuyu persimmon is loaded, last year in my zeal to plant more fruit trees, I dug and removed a lot of roots near this tree, this year, it seems to hold on to the persimmons a bit longer.
Perhaps I did remove competing roots from the neighbor’s hedge.

More tomatoes here



Yep… I grow stuff in the woods too.


does ginseng have a look alike? i swear we have a plant here that looks alot like that. maybe its seng’ and i dont even know it. grows mostly in hardwoods like seng’ does also.


Seems you have it @steveb4 but I don’t… interesting.

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