Bug identification

You’re very observant, Brady. I hope you are right.

The fact that Midas fly are rare and we happened to see a few of them makes me wonder.

Peachtree borer moth, while I only saw them twice on my peach trees are far more abundant judging from borer damage I have had occasionally.

Head and antennae of mamuang insect entirely wrong for peachtree borer.

Insect is likely this: Species Mydas clavatus - BugGuide.Net
Not particularly rare as there are 17 pages of photos on bugguide from 33 states and provinces.

The only thing for positive ID lacking in the mamaung image is clubbed antennae; they are tilted in the image at just the right angle to conceal the clubs.

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I saw one again today. I did not have a camera/phone with me. Will try to take pics next time. Glad it is not peach tree borer. Whew!!!

Thank you very much @LarryGene and @Bradybb.

This part sounds like a second reason to attract/encourage these flies to stick around:

Larvae of Mydas clavatus feed on larvae of beetles in family Scarabaeidae.