Callary pear compatibility?

What has yalls experience been with compatibility of Euro pears grafted to Callery or bradford flowering pear?
Can you comment on these or other varieties?
Harvest Queen
Harrow types?
Blakes Pride
Any experiences to share?
Have yalls grafts taken and held and proven compatible?
Which have proven the most vigorous on Callery?


When we moved in we had a big, bushy, thorny pear in the back yard. As best I can tell the previous owner had a bradford pear and killed it with the lawn mower or something, and the rootstock grew back.

I’ve grafted Harrow Sweet and Kieffer to it and they took off like a rocket, growing 5’-6’ per year. Surprisingly, I had way more trouble grafting asian pears to it. I’ve started using Kieffer as bridge, and gotten just about everything to work that way.


I have grafted Kieffer and Ayers to a callery with good results. Not on your list but I have also grafted Moonglow, Orient, and Korean Giant.


Not trying to be a downer about grafting onto callery but most of the ones growing wild are from seeds and some might not be compatible. No problems on my end as of now.


I have two pears on Callery, soon to be fifth leaf. They’re supposed to be Orient and Pineapple. One tree is over 15ft high, a monster, the other about 7ft. The smaller tree fruited last year, which I thought was supposed to be Orient, but based on the fruit it definitely is not- gritty, not very sweet. The other tree has never fruited, hoping for some this year.


Orient at my location fruits as a young tree. Almost as early as Harrow Sweet. My Orient will become very sweet tasting if picked at the right stage with a little grit. As you probably already know it has a lower profile shape than many other traditional pears.


I am also going to try and graft to wild callery pear this year and have some great scions from @Auburn! I think @clarkinks and perhaps @39thparallel would also have some input on this subject :+1: I am sure there are several more members that have had experience with these but I know that Auburn and the ones I tagged above have grafted to this type of stock.



The ones mentioned are compatable with callery. My opinion is as follows
Potomic - grows fine on callery, produces fast, resistant to fireblight , and more resistant to rust than most
Kieffer - course pear , good disease resistance except to rust , callery compatible
Harvest Queen- high quality pear, weak grower due to its petite size, good disease resistant -callery compatible
Harrow types? - harrow delight , callery compatible , good overall disease resistance , good quality
harrow sweet callery compatible , good overall disease resistance , good quality
Blakes Pride - ? To early to say - does not look promising on diseases, time will tell
Ubileen -? To early to say
Shanendoah-? To early to say
Ayers- callery compatible, diseasd resistant, be prepared to wait 7- 12 years for pears , good quality , you will like this one
Bartlett - callery compatible, can be a disease magnet
Any experiences to share?
Experience shared here Here comes the 2019 pear harvest!
Here comes the 2018 apple & pear harvest!
Pear buds, blossoms, and fruit 2017
Here comes the 2016 apple and Pear harvest!


Yeah, my pears had the classic pear shape, from what I’ve seen Orient is rounder. If you remember, I asked you to get some pics of the leaves on your tree to compare them with mine, and they looked very similar. But, that’s prob not a definitive indicator of variety.


As at @Auburn mentioned callery from seed are all genetically different and i have had some that were difficult to graft but not incompatable completely. Should that happen use my small yellow pear or harrow delight as an interstem and that will work fine in all cases ive seen. It took me years to figure that out. You can graft asian pears to both of those as well. Years ago i could not find the magic interstem and i had a lot of grafts fail year after year. Had i known then what i know now those two pears make any pear compatible.


I have Harrow Sweet on Callary that is doing great. Perry pears on callary are growing very slow and Seem to do better on OHxF 333.


I have these growing fine on Callery. Some are more vigorous than others but that might be due to the vigor of the rootstock shot I used.
Kosui AP
Kikusui AP
Winter Nollis
Ya Li AP
Concellara la Cour
Hosui AP
Duchesse d’Bronzee
Chojuro AP
Josephine de Malines
Tsu Li AP