That’s a good point. It was found in zone 3, so if it has time to fully ripen there, I’d imagine it can’t be a very late apple.
Scott, I’m with you on the question of Franklin’s ripening season. No mention that I can pick out from the few articles available. Looks as though it may possess frost resistant bloom/developing fruits. That is a necessity in Spokane, where we can have last frost about May 10, and in 2014 it came (27F) on the 24th!
I dread the price tag Stark Bros. may attach to Franklin when they release it. I had a second chance at trying Wickson last year ('15) and it was interesting in flavors as well as acid and sugar levels (21 Brix.) Looks as though Franklin may be a more complete package with tannins in the mix.
Can it take the heat?
My 3rd leaf campfield had a handful of apples this year. First harvest so take this with a grain of salt. Dry, very bland, no aromatic, not sweet, not sour and no trace of astringency or bitterness. Like biting into a potato. Could be that it is just the first harvest or could be weather. I would note that my hewes have less tannins this year as well vs last year (still quite delicious however).
Anyone else have more experience with campfield?
Did you let them hang long enough? They need a lot of time on the tree. I haven’t gotten a really good sample yet myself as I trained the trees too low and am only now starting to develop fruiting wood above deer range. Some I harvested too early sound like your apple.
That’s a great point Scott. I may not have. I’ve been basically sampling one every week or two and have several left to go. So I may have jumped the gun on the feedback
On my Roxbury russets that I have been sampling periodically, they are clearly not ripe yet but I can tell that they will be good. Same thing with hewes earlier in the season. Which is why I have been surprised and disappointed with the campfield samples.
But I am early in my orcharding career so take all this fwiw. Just data points…
It’s hard to find target ripening times for some of these less well known varieties…
Does anyone know about cold hardiness of Campfield? I’ve had great vigor from Harrison, but Campfield is barely hanging on. I note Fedco has Harrison, but not Campfield, so makes me wonder if it’s not hardy this far north. I’m Z4a, southern adirondacks, New York.
My source for Campfield scions fell through. Does anyone have 2 or 3 they would part with?
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I might have some if Mike doesn’t. I have lots of wood the question is finding some dormant enough.
I just found a small dormant tree I can ship or cut a small stick off.
He had 1, I could use 1 more if there are any dormant.
Hey Scott, What have you noticed as far as disease resistance with Campfield and Harrison?
Everything I have read says average. I would like to hear some input from those who have had experience with it.
I have a Campfield, hasn’t bloomed, not growing well, and bad case Cedar Apple Rust.
I also grafted it to a more dwarfing root, but I forget which now.
Both Campfield and Harrison have gotten Fireblight strikes in the past, they seemed to recover just fine. I wouldn’t call them immune to Fireblight, but would say they are “tolerant”. I can’t comment on scab, or cedar all
apple rust. The only apple disease I really have is Fireblight.
Oops I forgot to reply here. My Campfield is still quite dormant and I grabbed several sticks for you. PM me your address.
So far no problems… Harrison is a bit prone to spotting/rot on the fruits but so far not that bad. Campfield looks to be in the bulletproof category thus far. I haven’t gotten many apples from either of them, my trees are on MM111 and are taking their time about getting a good set. I also planted Yates along with them and Yates is much more precocious, both trees are setting a full crop now.
I feel dumb. How do I PM?
Ah, you are a new user, that is the problem. You should be close to being promoted so I manually promoted you. Click on my face and then on the Message button.
I am planting all my grafts this year on Bud 9. Seems a good fit for several things I am looking for.