Can we talk about pollination?

This year, yes I have. Not honey or bumble, more like mason and other small bees and flies. Since my flowers are matured (many more flowers in the garden this year). Never saw any till this year. Around my pluots and plums as many as 50 were there this year. Very early too, again never saw anything like this till this year.

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen it but havenā€™t paid too much attention to the peaches so I canā€™t say how regularly they work them. I remember you posting a pic of one going toward a nectarine in your greenhouse:

True the bumblebees work nectarines/peach in my greenhouse. Mostly after the pluots and apricots are done and thereā€™s little else to feed on. I havenā€™t seen bees work my outside peach.

Yes I do.

I saw very, very few bees in April when my Japanese plums and peaches began blooming. But there were many smaller flies and wasps and whatnot, much of which I couldnā€™t identify. I donā€™t know how efficient they are as pollinators, but they were definitely in there trying to get pollen or nectar or something.

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My bees are all over my peaches.