Can you identify this insect on peach?

@Exmil, check your regional phytosanitary bulletins here Bollettini frutticoli - Regione del Veneto . Regional centers issue them a couple times per month. You can check by fruit type and see what species of pest is active at what time and what to do about it. (Scroll down to see history.)
As for spotting the flying pests - it is not always easy, unless you use a feromone trap.


If you are unsure or find something dangerous, that was not in their report, you should be able to find the contacts on that site.

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Thanks, I didn’t know that existed

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…that insect is a robber fly, they are generally beneficial, eating other insects.

I agree Alan, it’s always hard for me to identify pests and the locals are pretty ignorant as well.

I also have a hard time getting the same fungicides, and insecticides here. I do have Cypermethrin. Will it work for borers?

The only proper way to treat a pest is to identify it. Tana seems to have provided you with the tool you need and it should include the treatments that are available to you.

Larry Gene proved that you cannot simply use you own observations of the insects you happen to see in your trees.