Canistel (egg fruit)

Same. Def one of the best-tasting fruits I’ve ever tried. Ofc, it’s tropical so can only survive in some very hot, Southern fragments of the US, I think?

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More or less. Pouterias are relatively cold hardy compared to other tropicals, but that still just means they can only had a little frost at best.


I got this adorable little tree, but I noticed it has its roots all in the tape. Any advice on how to untangle the roots from the tape without ruining this little Canistel tree?


Pretty sure I’ve ordered from that same seller, was it Etsy?

No trick to it that I know of, other than soak it down as you gently to to separate the tape.

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I got a big plant from JRN in Houston and plan to put it in ground. Was given some fruit on a Florida trip a year ago and grew the seeds. They seem to have a high germination rate and be hardy to heat, drought, and wet. I brought them in the garage for the freeze. Since I successfully kept mango and starfruit alive in ground I think this will survive too.

It was Amazon, but I’m not sure if I’ll keep buying plants from amazon due to the issues I keep having

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Yeah I would really discourage buying things from Amazon, maybe strawberry crowns and asparagus crowns. But that’s about it

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