CAPTAN 80 WDG How much per Gal

2 1/2 tsp. is .833 tbsp. so you are right in the happy range of what I posted 3/4 - 1 1/2 tbsp.

If you get good control (probably will) at that application level I’d stick with it, otherwise there is room for an increase.

It absolutely is Mike and sulfur is mentioned in combination with Captan on nearly every efficacy chart you’ll find, but there are also specific warnings concerning the combination on sulfur sensitive varieties like those I listed. I think I also included in above posts about when using sulfur in combination the recommendation was to apply the Captan at the lower or lowest rate. I suspect this is to avoid potential foliage burn which is why I mentioned it.

If I remember correctly I think the issue is addressed on the label under Compatability and Plant Safety


I mis-read your answer and then re-read it and the others’ carefully. Thanx.

Actually, part of the reason for my digital scale request was that I think that we all run into the situation where we see dosages based on different concentrations of the product we have on hand.

At those times we can easily calculate how much of volume or weight of our pruduct to use based on the known dosage of a different version of our pruduct.


I see. Yeah…and you’re right one of those would be handy.


I use a Nexus PS200 for a small digital scale. They are sort of pricey, but I bought it used through a police auction website fairly reasonable.

The reviews looked good and my scale has worked well for me for quite a few years.

I use a digital kitchen scale from Wallmart which cost about $15. It will weigh as small as .1 OZ or 1 gram

I bought one of these misting sprayers this year. The throttle can be feathered when close to the plant, so hopefully I don’t blow off all the blossoms and leaves. :slight_smile: It seems to work well, but I’ve only sprayed trees that aren’t fully leafed out yet, and my trees are just starting to flower.
It cut my spraying time down considerably, and now with most of my trees being relatively small still, I can cover them with about half the amount of spray as I used to use with my wand sprayer.

My trees aren’t dripping using this mister, but they are definitely wet. I have an accurate scale and always weigh chemicals. With the first few sprays that I have done I have used the same concentration levels as I would with my wand.

I think with the wand sprayer I was wasting a lot of spray to make sure all parts were completely covered.

Should I increase the concentration of my spray using this misting sprayer? Any thoughts?

I’ve never used one of those and always use a handgun with normal spray at 200 PSI when trigger is pulled (spraying pressure). I was taught with any sprayer you spray until it just starts to drip- it’s a question on the test to get a permit. .

As far as using a mist sprayer for more concentrated mixes, I’ve read about it a bit but never done it so I’m not really competent to provide advice on it.

Alan, what kind of sprayer do you use? I’m tired of mickey mouse sprayers at 30 psi. I’ve been thinking of building my own with steam cleaning jets and a tank with compressed air.

I use a Rears estate sprayer with a 25 gallon stainless steel tank and 4HP Honda motor running the pump and a paddle wheel to keep the tank agitated. It’s perfect for a Surround program because the paddle wheel keeps it mixed while jet agitation fails to do so. Unfortunately the unit has gotten pretty pricey in recent years. Sometimes OESCO has a used on to sell.

Michael has rigged up a power washer to spray his rather extensive orchard- he uses some kind of aquarium pump to keep synthetic chemicals mixed. Probably covers his trees quicker than I could.


Are you talking about a gas powered “backpack” type mist blower.

You could flag off a portion of an acre, perhaps 1/10 or even 1/100 and spray water on the trees to see how many gallons will be required to spray that area of trees and make calculations for gallons per acre and figure the rate from that info.

Don’t spray water on open apple or pear tree blooms to calibrate your sprayer because it will accelerate FireBlight.

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The recommendation for Captan 50 is 2 Tbs / Gal. Captan 50 is 50% captan and Captan 80 is 80% captan. So I figured you would need 30% less Captan 80 / Gal. for the same solution concentration. 2Tbs = 6 tsp so 4 tsp / gal.

Does Captan actually dissolve in the water or is the water just the vehicle to transport small pieces of Captan to the leaf?.


In my experience, Captan WP doesn’t dissolve. In fact, if you let it sit, it’ll settle. Now, I’ve not yet messed with the Captan WDG stuff but, I’m guessing it may actually dissolve to a point.

I’ve used it once recently. Applying it was a miserable experience. It turns to a jelly-like mass. I think this is only for industrial-scale application through sprayers with internal homogenizers (if there are such things). I suppose it’s less dusty than WP, so handling is safer, but application is extremely awkward. Of course, there’s nothing on the catalog Web sites about how difficult this might turn out to be or what to do about it.

Captan 4L may be worth a try. Its a premixed suspension of Captan. I believe 1 quart is roughly the same as 1 pound of captan 50WP.

Very easy to handle. It’s more expensive than the WP or the WDG. We have used the 2 1/2 Gal size but it may be available in smaller sizes. 2 1/2 Gallons of 4L cost about $85.

I use Captan Gold 80WDG sourced from Keystone. In the package it looks like small grains of rice - easy to measure, not powdery. I dump dry ingredients in the tank and fill with a garden hose. The pressure from the hose does a fine job of mixing. I use 2 tbsp in a 4 g backpack sprayer.

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Of course it dissolves and of course it settles if not agitated constantly or at least frequently…

If you are having trouble dissolving it because your sprayer has inadequate agitation you need a gallon jug with a water proof lid. Put in a bit less than two quarts of warm water and shake, shake, shake, and tell yourself that it is hard to dissolve so it doesn’t easily wash off during light rain.

Chemically speaking, if it dissolved, then it wouldn’t settle. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: If something is truly water-soluble, it won’t settle out. Typically, the only way to separate it from the water is to evaporate the water. But, I’m just picking on you; it’s all in good fun.

However, you are correct; adequate agitation is key when dealing with suspensions. So, @MES111, if you want to use Captan WP, be sure to follow the advice @alan gave and agitate your spray like a boss.

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It’s funny to know that because in common usage we “dissolve” things in water by stirring them even if they settle over time. There isn’t another word I know of for combining water with, say, salt in which the salt loses its form and mixes completely with water, even if it is a temporary condition- at least when it comes to food recipes…

Now that you mention it, I believe the labels of pesticides often call for mixing with water and not dissolving in water.

Thanks for the chemistry lesson.

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