Carmine/Tillamook Goumi berry taste review delicious!

Got delivered early :grin:

Very nice plant and super super well packed too! And the gooseberries I got are also crazy nice as well.

Definitely plan on ordering a lot more from her next year.

Best plants I’ve gotten so far have been from her (Whitman farm) and honeyberryUSA (Aurora I got from them in April has put on enough growth to be same size as my last year plants). Out of about 5 places with ediblelandscape being a close 3rd between those 2.




Got to taste one; a bunch are on the edge. Quite good, thinking I’ll get a few more. I use them as interplantings in one area with young apple trees.


@EJh thats awesome i think you will be really happy wit it

@Buckeye looking good . Im going to graft som other large berry goumi varieties next season on autumn olive rootstock i dug up

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I want to get another variety for cross pollination, does anyone know how the raintree one compares to red gem and sweet scarlet?

@Fishinjunky I’m already anticipating next year hopefully for some to try! I wish I would have ordered from Lucile a lot earlier for things. All the plants I got from her blew me away. I’m gonna do a big order from her in the spring most likely.

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@EJh I think the Raintree Select goumi is large berried like Tilamook.
Cliff England has some large berried goumi varieties he sells scions at next season im getting theses varieties from there to graft. Lucile does have excellent plants

Wang Bo
Raintree Select

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You’ll have to do taste and size notes in a few years :grinning:

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Sweet Scarlet vs Raintree
Goumi fruit - General Fruit Growing - Growing Fruit

Sweet Scarlet vs Carmine
Goumi fruit - General Fruit Growing - Growing Fruit

Based on these two comparisons Raintree and Carmine produce simulary sized fruits.


Just a data point: Two years ago, I bought seven Goumi berry bushes, variety Carmine. This year, I’ve had a pretty good crop. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste, even more surprised that my wife liked them. But with the big seeds, they’re difficult to eat so I decided to make jam.

Caveat – I am not an experienced jam-maker. Nevertheless, the result was excellent – tangy, flavorful. The harvest from 6 of 7 bushes yielded 4 pints. I went with a normal high sugar version, which I will not make routine. I’m switching to the low sugar version. I think I’ll attack my black raspberries next.

Anyway, here’s the point: Carmine variety Goumi berries make a great jam.


@jrd51 … when you made goumi jam… did you separate the seeds from the pulp/skins somehow ?

I have a potato ricer that works well for extracting the pulp from persimmons (small batch processing).

My carmine goumi seeds are quite a bit larger than RG or SS. I think they might work in the potato ricer too. I thought about trying that this spring… but never got around to it…


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My wife has a manual “food processor” that uses a spiral-shaped piece of metal to press food against a strainer. With the Guomi berries, it presses out the juice and some flesh, leaving behind the seeds, skin, some flesh. I boiled the juice while preparing the jam and the solids coagulated so I skimmed them. Interestingly, the juice changed color from yellow-orange to deep red.


Yes, that’s a Squeezo; I have my mom’s. Apparently, they have different sized screens for varying sized seeds. I’ve tried to order the two sizes I don’t have, but they have been out of stock for two years now. It’s a reminder to check again.
On a side note, I have two Carmine/Tillamook goumis. I watched a video, where the person talked about the size difference, but then he pointed out that on the smaller fruited varieties, he could just chew up the seeds and it was no big deal, but on the Carmine, the seeds are bigger, too, and therefore, he found that he had to spit them out. I thought that that was interesting.

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Carmine vs red gem seeds from my goumis this spring. Sweet scarlet fruit and seeds were a bit smaller than red gem.

I dont find the seeds from any of them pleasant to eat… they are spitters.

Dont think I would enjoy even the smaller seeds in goumi jam.

I do have a Roma Food mill… which should process them nicely.

This pic shows the fruit size difference in my 3 varieties.

Sweet scarlet are the smallest berries. Red gem a bit larger and carmine largest.

I am doing a air layer now of one of my carmine grafts… so I can get it established at our new home location.

I am just going to have one bush there… carmine… and will add a few grafts of SS RG to it for pollination.



Which do you consider better between goumi and che?

For some reason the birds are leaving plenty for me this year, and we just had a week of 100 degree weather.

The big ones finally had some sweetness and I quite enjoyed them yesterday. Starting to get pretty soft.

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Birds didn’t go after mine either

@Robert … I would say that goumi and CHE are to close to call… not your best fruit by far but still good enough that they are quite enjoyable.

One produces in the spring and the other in the fall. You really need at least one of each and perhaps a few grafts added.

Goumi have a nice somewhat mild fruity flavor some sweetness some tartness… they are not going to blow you away on any of those… but it is a good mix.

I cant really say anything else I have grown taste like a goumi. They are a little unique with their flavor.

CHE are similar very unique flavor very ripe sweet watermelon flavor with something extra raspberry like. Last year was the first fruit to ripen on my tree and they were very good. My gerardi mulberry did not produce very good berries untul year 3. If my CHE improves like gerardi did… well… will just have to wait and see.