Hi I am in san jose, and also interested in Moorpark and Cot-N-Candy. where did you get them and how do they perform this year?
This year is super weird. We had a very mild summer sans the heat wave. This is also the year when both Moorpark and Cot-N-Candy came to production in my yard. I had about 20 Cot-N-Candy fruits but almost all of them had pit burn. I thought this only happens in inland and not here in South Bay. @bleedingdirt probably has more experience and can talk about CNC performance in San Jose.
Moorpark produced around 3-4 fruits (the tree suffered from bacterial canker last year and I cut out a large part of the young tree). The fruits ripened with great flavor and no pit burn.
thanks a lot ! do you remember their harvest time this year? I have 2 galaxy peach tree fully ripen in mid June to the end… want to plant some variety with non-overlapped harvest time …
Most early stone fruits here follow DWN’s calendar with year-to-year variations