Clarkinks 2021 / 2022 recommended pears everyone must have


I can only tell you that I believe that neck is an indicator that those pears have a very good flavor . It’s highly probable it’s Elliot. Look at your Harrow sweet and I suspect you can imagine the 2 have a common ancestor.


Hi Tippy,

These look like my Elliot pears. Other than younger fruits, the young branches are reddish too. I was able to taste a ripe fruit a few days ago which ripened earlier due to damage done to it by some creatures. It tasted like Bosc. I’m so happy as that was the reason I got it.

I have a couple more picked a few days ago. Can’t wait for them to soften a bit before I try again.


Glad to hear. Thank you for confirmation.

You picked yours a couple of days ago, I guess mine would be mid Oct!! I hope nothing get to them before me!


Glad to hear about Elliot. I asked a while ago if anyone was growing it. On of my furit growing friends and I ordered scions ferom the Covallis Repository in 2020. We both had very poor growth on our potted grafts. I did plant the tree this year, it has grown slowly but hopefully will do better this next season - if we have some winter rain this year. We are two years with very little rain.


This year I will try Turnbull again as many have recommended. Many are reporting Taylor’s gold is good which is a pear I do not grow currently. Think I will add 20+ pear types this year.

My tastes have not changed much lately.

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How many varieties do you think you could put on a franken pear? I’m thinking of building one for all the good pears that need the fridge to ripen. That way I can taste them, but they don’t take much space in the fridge.



10 types is no problem but you can get many more on one tree if you want. You want to try to match pears of equal vigor otherwise one will shade the others out.


It’s almost time to revise this list again!


Clark, my wifey hates this list cause I keep adding them to my next years must haves… 5 at a time…and now Ambrosia too! Hahaha! PyrusManiacus:)



She will like them when she tastes them.

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I know that to be true!


Giving “pyromaniac” a new meaning?


I guess I have to admit to being one of those! That reminds me of a Southern Fruit Fellowship meeting we organized in Orange, TX in the late 80s or early 90s. We called the meeting Mayhaw Mania and had caps made. I just happended to find my cap yesterday. I found this video of the late John Harrington iwearing his cap so here I am in mine. Attached is a link to that video


What did you wind up grating in 2022?
Here is my list - some are duplicates of others or replacements. The new ones are:
Patrick Barry 4/10
Doyenne du Comice Regal Red 4/10
Rousellet de Rhims 4/10
Doyenne du Comice Crimson Gem 4/10
Doyenne du Comice Spur 4/10

Beurre Superfin 4/10
Belle Lucrative 4/10

Additional grafts:
Dana Hovey 4/10
Packham Triumph x2 4/10

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Where did you find scions of all those Comice variants? I’ve been collecting Comice variants (mainly reds). I have never even heard of Spur.

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I’m not finished yet.


GRIN Database lists them. I asked members of our CRFG Redwood Empire Chapter if they desired any scions from the Repository. One member requested the two Comice Red varieties and the spur. I saved a small piece of each to graft myself.

Why is Magness considered “not disease resistant” while Warren is?

Doesn’t the Seckel parentage confer FB resistance to Magness?


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Magness is less resistant to fireblight than its sibling warren is what im told. Neither had a fireblight problem this year.

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