Hood is a very low chill pear. It is recommended for gulf coast zone 9 or 10. I have it but don’t expect normal production.
Here at my house, Warren is a superb pear, very fireblight resistant, very good flavor. Fireblight hit 2 or 3 leaves and that was all. It produced 8 nice pears this year 3 years after grafting on a large existing rootstock.
Ayers has not yet bloomed so I can’t give reliable information yet. So far, I’ve seen no fireblight at all on the tree. I have a tree grafted 2 years ago on callery seedling that is 14 feet tall and I have a graft on callery which will go to a family member next spring. Ayers grows very fast in my experience.
Clark’s Small Yellow, Drippin’ Honey, Korean Giant, Seckle, and Tyson all have not yet bloomed. I plan to trade for scionwood and graft Karl’s Favorite (aka Ewart) and Leona this spring.
I have trees of Ayers, Bartlett Nye Russet, Bell, Blake’s Pride, Cabot, Chojuro, Clara Frijs, Clarks Yellow, Daisui Li, Douglas, Drippin Honey, Duchess, Early Yellow, Flame, Foley’s, Harrow Delight, Harrow Sweet, Harvest Queen, Highland, Hood, Hosui, Kalle, Kieffer, Korean Giant, Ledbetter, Magness, Maxine, New World, Plumblee, Potomac, Red Zao Su Li, Scottsboro Callery, Seckel, Seuri Li, Shenanadoah, Shin Li, Shinko, Spalding, Summer Blood Birne, Sunrise, Turnbull Giant, Tyson, Very Late, Warren, Winter Nelis, and Ya Li. About half should bloom this spring.