Hey everyone. We live in Boulder CO. I have about 260 grape vines with 2/3 being Marquette and 1/3 being Itasca. They have been in the ground 2 years. Its been difficult and I still don’t have a main trunk on any but I am seeing positive signs as we end winter that I might be able to get a main trunk going for most of them. I have about 29 fruit trees. I will update later this spring on how things look and I will identify the trees that have survived. So far the worst fruit trees are cherry. My romance series cherry bushes look good but the cherry trees are all struggling. I have done a lot of exploring and tasting of wild apple trees and I plan on rooting some cuttings this spring. My personal favorite is a crab at Wonderland lake in North Boulder. Its actually nice for fresh eating but would make an excellent cider. I can tell you where the tree is if you want to take cuttings.