Controlling Maypop growth

Sorry I can help you, I cant even get mine to flourish in the ground. I’ve got 30 small plants popping up but they just don’t want to grow.

i dont know if they’re susceptible or if you have them, but i understand root knot nematodes can cause those sorts of issues. Years ago i was given a fig that had been rooted by its owner in SW Florida. It lived, but languished for a couple of years. when i finally had a look at the roots, they were horribly eaten and distorted.


Still struggling to see any real growth other than some 6’ vines. Hope this year will be better?

I planted the maypops in May of 2021. Should they be growing longer than 6’ vines by now?

I found some small plants 200’ away from animal deposit and was wondering if a maypops from a seed will taste like it’s mother plant?

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They should be vigorous and producing more growth than that if they are happy.

Fruit taste is not true to seed so could be better or worse.

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Finally some signs of life on the second-leaf rooted cuttings in my greenhouse. They grew only very feebly last year and seemed to be killed back in fall by some fungal blight, but maybe these will grow better with some roots in the ground at the start of the season.

The most vigorous outdoor third-leaf seed-grown vine was even more feeble last year, and constantly being eaten by earwigs or slugs or something. I accidentally snapped off a tiny white bud when I was pulling the soil back for this photo, it looks like it’ll be awhile yet before this thing buds out, but it’s alive at least: