Costco’s most expensive cherry

Can’t believe my WG is starting to blush already - and the birds have taken notice. It won’t be ripe til the end of the month

I’m seeing rot on some Lapins…7.5 inches of rain in May didn’t help anything. Hopefully it stays dry now…but the forecast says different

The brix isn’t only counting the sugars, but all the total soluble solids, including the acids and other solutes.


Time to deploy the Indar

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our winds are wicked cold/ dry in the winter. we have cold wet weather from early april until mid july them warm and dry until late sept. then it gets cold/ wet again untill snow falls. if a plant or tree isn’t hardy we usually loose it pretty quick. thats why i planted the u of sask. sour cherries. if they make it in z2 there, they should make it here.

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