I have Centennial here and it does fine in 8B/Heat9.
Empire is a great backyard and production apple. It’s disease resistant, Productive every year. Finishes well with relatively little insect damage or water core. It has moderate vigor and a nice growth habit that makes it easy to manage. It’s at least partly self-fertile.
@dannytoro1 … if it works in GA… and KY… should be good for TN.
I have a bunch of stuff to trade… if you could send me a few scions of centennial.
If interested let me know and i will pm you my list.
I’ll go look and see what is on there. This year’s growth was kind of twiggy if I recall. I need to prune it anyway. I really like it’s branch angles. More like an apple tree then a twisty crab.
my Clark’s crab has great branch angles as well with 0 work.
Yeah. I am regretting my choice of Malus Micromalus for my other research project now because it is prone to a bent up habit. That means training. I should have gone with dwarfed Sargant like Tina. Buttttt noooooo. I got suckered by pretty weeping branches…lol
Heh,heh, heh. I have a big bruising Soviet wild apple that will meet it for a mating.Should be interesting. This will be a parallel with how Budagosky rootstock was bred. But with warmer region cousins. And crazy disease resistance.
Trev, centennial is an early bloomer, and an early ripening crab for me in western piedmont NC, it was my only apple to get frosted out this year. I have fruited chestnut two years now and it has been crunchy, sweet and disease resistant. It has not experienced any summer rots, unlike enterprise, arkansas black, liberty, and freedom. Enterprise was the worst for rotting. Highly recommend Chestnut.
i have chestnut and sargent. chestnut was just put in last year so it might be awhile before fruiting. sargent has 5 different apples on it. its unique branching habit makes for easy open top training. the y. transparent scions produced some fruit last season. its topped at 6 ft. and at 5 yrs old growing well near my well.
@SoMtHomestead … orange pippin shows both cintennial and chestnut in FG3.
Glad to have your details on how they have worked for you… TN and NC should be similar.
This may be the major issue for my daughter’s location. Creek bottom land, low elevation right next to the creek.
At my house this morn… 32F… very light frost on grass… no frost on my truck windshield… which is parked outside the garage.
At her house… just 5 miles away… but in creek bottom… where i am on a ridgetop.
Heavy frost on grass… they have to go out and start their vehicles and let the defroster run 5-10 min to clear the frost off the windshields.
Are there any decent sized fresh eating disease resistent crabs in FG4 ?
Novamac, Pristine and Enterprise are all FG4.
I have the first two already…