Permiscuous Persimmons

This is something I’ve wanted to post about for a while but I wanted photos first. Got them :face_with_monocle:

Anyone who has ever grafted persimmons knows that the competing buds must be rubbed off. And frequently. Otherwise graft will be rejected in favor of the other buds.

For a couple years I did that and still had rejects of what seemed to be vigorous graft takes. I have since realized that most 2-timers are discreet. Under the cover of my grafting tape, bud erections would occur. Erections that led to rejections.

Since these buds cannot be seen under the tape, one must look for swelling that indicates a bud has emerged under the tape. The localized swelling of the graft tape area is the only indication. Once found, it must be removed stat… The competing buds that are unseen are as big a problem as the ones that can be seen.

Re-taping may even be required.



Great pro tip

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Had to do this with hawthorn, quinces and even one apple rootstock. :slight_smile: