Disappointing peach season

I have seen trees that overbear fruit so much that branches droop badly, even break at times. Thin your crop to prevent this. Anyway the stress on the limbs most definitely damaged them and the tree needs to heal. So often don’t bear many fruit the next year. Although weather plays a role no doubt.
So too much fruit or late frosts. Unripened immature fruit probably suffered damage and tried to grow but failed to thrive from embryo damage from cold.
I’m in southeastern Michigan zone 6a and my peach crop is excellent this year. I only grow late ripening types. Pluots, plums and nectarines are fine this year. I always have some that don’t produce but many others are doing fine. Culling out non performers.
I grew out a few seedlings of Indian free for fun. All three have fruit this year. None are ripe yet. Im netting them tomorrow. They need 2-3 more weeks one has nice sized fruit. Pollen parent is probably Fantasia. Arctic Jay possible but less likely. Fruit is better looking than moms fruit. Less fuzz, lighter colors.

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