Dwarf lychee indoors - lychee cultivation

@anon57642013 @SoCalGardenNut

Hopefully the explanation above helped. If you do use this substance to induce second crop blooms do so cautiously as apparently it is normally done by commercial nurseries only. A local extension office might be of additional help. Don’t know that your not commercial but i think you may grow strictly for backyard usage. Highly recommend also reading these websites and information below. Frequently i think people know about something that is apparently not well known for the reasons mentioned.


Additional proof of second crop flower induction


They are not saying it directly here


These are specifics of what is used and how commercial growers do this. They are saying it directly here.


Be very cautious with this fertlizer apparently there is not a safer form of this fertilizer for home gardens. Maybe just leave the two crops a year to the commercial growers might be best for most growers. Longan will not produce two crops without adequate fertilizer as discussed. Realize i’m way off the topic of lychee but since i was asked i wanted to specifically answer the question about longan. Many fruits and fertilizers are in their infancy in terms of usage and rates. Many people including myself are cautious about discussing things like double cropping but i frequently do anyway. Feel like i’m withholding information if i’m not open about some of these things. Some things i only know by book knowledge or word of mouth eg. Double cropping longan. Double cropping pears is also interesting https://growingfruit.org/t/pears-that-produce-two-crops-eg-tenn-pear/7574

If you listen closely to what commercial growers say, like below in the video they almost always let a few things slip. @SoCalGardenNut you asked “says who?” regarding double cropping longan which i think i answered. Been busy with my solar panel upgrades this week so i have not had alot of time. Listen closely to this commercial grower who made this video 12 years ago. You by now realize they have known about this for many years. It is my belief knowledge like this should be readily shared and cautiously used.


If you decide to use it i wouldn’t store it rather just buy what you need. Here are the details why its so dangerous https://homeguides.sfgate.com/potassium-chlorate-longan-trees-57368.html
" When to Apply

  1. The tree must be dormant for potassium chlorate to be effective. The chemical will induce flowering only if the tree has not been actively growing shoots within the previous two weeks. If you apply potassium chlorate to a tree that has some shoots growing and others not growing, only those shoots not growing will develop flowers. If less than 50 percent of the shoots are dormant, pruning the shoots on the top and sides of the tree will coordinate their growth.

Application Rates

  1. Potassium chlorate is sprayed to the drip-line or the edge of a longan tree’s canopy. For a tree four to eight years old, spray once with 4 to 6 ounces of potassium chlorate mixed in 5 gallons of water. For a tree eight to 15 years old, spray once with 7 to 13 ounces of potassium chlorate mixed with 5 gallons of water. For trees older than 15 years, spray twice, one application of 16 ounces in 5 gallons of water and an 8- to 10-ounce application one month later. After you spray a tree with potassium chlorate, irrigate it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Longan trees will typically respond to the treatment in 30 to 40 days."

As i mentioned if you need to store bags of ice close to the tree for several days to meet chill needs. Do not put ice on the tree that would kill the tree.


Finally if you have problems with flowering some girdling can be done cautiously. Girdling or damaging a tree in other ways like hitting it with a stick repeatedly triggers the tree to bloom.


In 2012 the LA Times in California mentioned it again to induce blooming https://www.latimes.com/home/la-xpm-2012-oct-09-la-lh-longan-tree-20121008-story.html