Elliot pear aka Selena pear

Very pretty pear. I hope it tastes good!

Have you fruited it yet? I ate one last year and was impressed. Looking forward to a few more fruit this year.
That Hort Science article was quoted in the narrative on the GRIN database but it is good to see the photos from the original.

It fruited last year but I could not recall how it tasted. I have had a hard time figuring out how much refrigeration Euro pears need before counter ripen.

The shape of your Elliot pear and mine looked a bit different. Yours was more tapered. I disregard the color because your tree is in a hot, sunny area. Mine is in a cool, shady area.

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Do you have fruit this year? if so, I would like to compare the fruit more closely. If you can, please take a photo of the calix end and a close-up of the stem area. Your photo of the stem area looks much different from my fruit or the GRIN images.
My scion came from Corvallis but they have been known to mix up things too.

No fruit this year, unfortunately.

We have had so much rain for weeks. With apples and pears not in full sun, the trees have serious issues with sooty blotch and fly specks. Hope they will recover.

Sorry, you are having such a poor season. It was similar for us this spring with the plums, pluots and apricots. We had rain and more rain and then some late frosts. My early blooming varieties set no fruit and the later ones had only a few. When the cherries, sour cherries, apples and pears bloomed conditions were good so we had an excellent set on almost all varieties.

I opened a thread yesterday - 2003 Pear Harvest - where I will be posting pictures. Please visit when you can.

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Yes, I look forward to pictures of your pears on that thread.

I hope you grow Aurora and Docteur Desportes. I’d like to compare the ones I grow to yours.

I do not see his thread 2003 Pear Harvest. Can you point me to it?

In the Fruit Growing category.

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Aurora did not set any fruit this year and I don’t grow Doctor Desportes. Sorry

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Hello, do you grow Abate Fetel? If so I would love to see your pictures of them. thankyou.

Here they are from 2 years ago. A few fruit on the tree this year but not ready.


Sorry the thread is Pear Harvest 2023

They will be ready soon. I wait till fall to start buying them. They do not grow where I live. It is too hot. Your Abate Fetel are beautiful and they taste so good!

Here is the first of the 2023 Elliot pears - a groundfall. The remaining pears are not coming off easily and will probably be mature in another week or two.


I posted Elliot photos in the Pear Harvest 2023 thread a few minutes ago and linked to this one.

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If anyone knows a source for elliot scions it would be much appreciated. Several people myself included would like to add this variety for its tolerance to fireblight.

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This is one im grafting this year thanks to a member who i will leave unamed for now so they dont get inundated with scion requests.


I have a lead on a stick, too, from an unannounced member.

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So off-patent?