Enormous success with rooting and *keeping healthy* Mulberry cuttings

I tried to stick about 16-20 cuttings of wild Morus Alba hybrid into a huge pot outside, in August last year. Some started to grow. Almost all survived Winter (in a 16-Gal pot, outside!!!). This Spring I decided that I don’t need it, and checked one by one… only about 3 or 4 had very small roots. But all survived. Yes I know my sandy place is extremely fertile I can just insert any cutting into it and it will start grow, but I can’t do it with few King James cuttings I have! I was keeping it… for about a year in a fridge in a hope to learn grafting and to graft it.

Mulberries in main pictures here are probably Morus Rubra; but main subject is not even is it hard to root or not… last year I was able to root Morus Nigra top-bag style (4"x16" plastic bags) using wet 50:50 mix of perlite and peat moss, but I lost it when I started watering.

Just as an example: I repotted cuttings, and I almost lost one, it is covered with plastic cup now because it doesn’t have roots, roots are extremely brittle!!! Compare with Morus Nigra seedlings (in another thread), roots were exceptionally strong, I abused them by washing under water and separating 9 trees grown in 6oz cup. They are all doing Ok.

Broken roots:

In the middle: covered by plastic cup because without roots it is wilting & drying; at front: Morus Nigra seedlings

Morus Nigra seedlings healthy roots, super strong: