European hybrid fruit: Sharafuga, peach x plum x apricot hybrid

That makes sense. It would be interesting to know if @tbg9b 's seed planted trees are SI or SC. But anyway, I would definitely not rule out SI populations. In fact, I would deliberately chose them over SC populations, due to the greater adaptability. Though having said that, if the SC anyway have an acceptable rate of outcrossing, there’s no need to rule them out, and it would after all give the added benefit of folk being able to grow just 1 tree.

It would also be interesting to know if the Ladakhi landrace apricots are SC or SI. And, whether or not there are or have been seed propagated populations of Prunus salicina - if there are, that would seem a great species to start a new plum landrace from. And if there are other species that have been thus propagated which are crossable with P. salicina, that could be a great source for starting an interspecial landrace project.

Funnily enough I heard of someone breeding citrus (I forget if it was lemons or what…) way beyond its natural range, by continually planting … maybe it was thousands of seeds… each year. Finally they succeeded. Not sure if they continued via sexual reproduction or grafting, but it anyway sounded like a cool project.

When I used the term, I was referring specifically to the species domesticated in Southern China, which also spread to Japan; not to the American hybrids.

Sounds like a cool dude!

Hey I’m glad to hear you saying that too!

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