No most are shy bearers but the Scarlet cultivar from Baker Creek is the most productive musk out of about 4 others I have tried.
Many places advertise male musk plants. You don’t need them, regular strawberry’s pollen works just fine.
i was wondering if they cross pollinated with the alpines. good to know. where did you buy the strasberries from? i have a few rodluvan strawberry plants i can spare if you want them. they are a cross from a white wild strawberry and a large italian alpine. was bred in sweden. got it from the strawberry store. does runner alot but it has the wild strawberry flavor and is june bearing. come to think of it, you can send those plants anytime your ready. ill just refrigirate them here. let me know shipping cost and ill send you the money.
Yes they sound very cool. I want some! I will go over the trade by pm. Well it is on topic actually. Sounds like an excellent alpine type. The Strasberry was sold by friends of the strawberry store and only selling a couple of years. They also carried Gariguette, the French Heirloom. Luckily the trend for heirloom strawberries continues. Rain tree is selling heirlooms now and always sold different types. It’s hard to find rare strawberries for sure. Today I saw that the beach strawberry is now for sale. It is an alpine type that grows along both North and South American coast lines. I guess it can take shade and full light and grows in any soil conditions.
Yea we have the same strasberry.
For me a single plant makes 30+ runners a year. Where my pineberry makes 70+
We have different pineberry’s. The larger fruited ones i tried where disapointing. But since your so satisfied im gonna have to hunt down that White D pineberry. Since it should be developed in sweden it should be available in europe
If you compare the pictures. My pineberry’s seem to have the seeds in a little deeper in the strawberry. Like the strasberry. Than yours.
I can recomend Gariguette.
Also taste faforites here are lambada (my earliest. bit earlier than Gariguette)
Malwina (my latest of the single bearing’s)
And polka if the temperature is low. (amazing taste if it’s colder during ripening. Meh taste during heatwaves)
Another intresting heirloom might be hansa (1905) (schwarze ananas) also called black starwberry or marketed with the fancy “cherryberry”. they are quite sweet aromatic and red inside.
Yellow Wonder. They are absolutely delightful. I started the ones I have from seed about 5 or 6 years ago.
As far as Pineberries go, I bought the Natural Albino Pineberry collection from Norse 5 years ago before they stopped selling it. It included Natural Albino and Sonata (reg. red berry) as the pollinator. We are really pleased with the flavor of the Albino but the Sonata wasn’t really anything to write home about.
Neither berry is a good keeper but the flavor make them worth growing.