Favorite Fruit Films?

I enjoyed Fruit Hunters. Anyone have any other favorite fruit films?


I will have to watch that one, I have never seen it. I enjoy " So you want to run a Nursery" by plantsman corner. Not just fruit, but he does have some very good videos on apple pruning as well as making step overs, and espalier. He is kind of outspoken but it is funny and refreshing.


The Queen of Trees https://youtu.be/xy86ak2fQJM


Not a fruit, but in the Brazilian movie “Subway to the Stars”, it rained beans.

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That’s actually not unusual in Brazil or Ecuador during certain times of the year … esp. when the pods of the Coral Tree (or relatives) are opening.

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What was unusual in the film is it rained bean seeds from the sky, supposedly a myth or fable come to life.

Other films I would nominate are A Clockwork Orange, Bananas, and anything with Christopher Plummer.

I saw The Fruit Hunters at its Portland premiere a few years ago, well attended with a panel discussion afterwards.

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