Fig prunings- Reservoir

If you’ve got any left I would like some cuttings as well.

Richard, if you have some cuttings left, I’'d like some short season fig to grow in pot. thank

I’m not Richard, but if you meant me, I should have some. I’ve been slow, but am going to package everything up and send soon.


I sent all the packages today. Please let me know if you asked for something, but didn’t get a message from me with a tracking number. I sent ~6 sticks to each person, but still have some left in case I forgot anyone.

I also had some large diameter leftovers, which may not be ideal to ship. So I decided to do an experiment, and put a variety of diameters (from pencil-sized to almost 1" thick) into a bucket with some coir on the bottom. The whole bucket closed and sitting partially over a heat duct/register to keep somewhat warm (about 80F).


You don’t water your coir? Looks no water to me.

I used very little. When I squeeze a handful, I could just feel the slightest moisture. I think I’ve had it a bit wetter in the past, but recalled hearing that was detrimental. But, you are right that this is pretty dry- after seeing your comment, I tested again and added a few dribbles of water.

I also lightly scraped sections and dipped them in rooting hormone, as well as the obvious parafilm.


Results after ~20 days…

It was hard to know that it had worked, but when I tried to move a few of them there was enough resistance that there must be some roots in there.

Some were melded together, with quite a lot of root growth in just 20 days. A bit of gentle shaking and I was able to separate these with minimal damage.

2 of 4 largest rooted
4 of 6 mid sized
2 of 2 smallest

But when the biggest rooted, they put out quite a few…


Wow, those root systems sure grew well!

If that offer is there next year I would love to try some fig cuttings. Looks like a fun project for sure :+1:

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One of mine had a little figlet on it! Here it is before I removed it.


I didn’t protect it at all this past winter, other than a few leaves at the base. We had a milder than usual winter with around +10F as the low and it looks like there was very little die-back.

Here’s a current pic of the original Reservoir plant:

The fruit runs all the way to the top, with this closeup being a bit over 7’ up.

I’m guessing that I’ll need to do some summer pruning, to keep it from getting 15+ feet tall.

I had young plants started from the cuttings growing at two other rentals. One died to the ground and is coming back up, while the main stem on the other came through OK. The one which died to the ground was the one which was NOT near a building, while the one on the West side of a building was OK.

How did everyone else’s pull through?


Great to see you get a breba crop from an unprotected tree at your location!


Mine pulled through just fine in the fridge! I started the cuttings in April; they’re about ready to pot up. I sent one to my brother in Wisconsin.

Those are some impressive results for no protection!


Reservoir rooted well for me. I have one in my greenhouse that’s already pushed 18_24" of growth and has one fig on it right now. The stick of VDB you sent did not root. I nurse root grafted one bud to a root from a Chicago Hardy and it took. Unfortunately my two year old dumped out the pot it was in and I didn’t find out until the next evening, and it was dried out by then. I’m super pumped to hopefully try my first fresh fig.


Mine are budding now! I stored them in the refridgerator until late april and planted them in my garden since my indoor rooting success rate has been disappointing for one reason or another. My winter cutting storage success rate was pretty bad, but reservoir did fine and is now budding and looking great!!
I am excited!!!
Thank you!!!


I hope to trial it next to the others the next few years for comparissons.


I’m glad so many people I sent it to are getting successful takes! I’m curious how hardy the 1st year plants were for the wood I sent out a year ago. 1st year is a bit more sensitive (as one of mine dieing back to the ground showed), but it would still be interesting, especially if any pulled through unscathed (like the one I had near a house).

I’m not the biggest fan of figs, but the fresh ones aren’t bad. The ones from the grocery store aren’t good at all. My wife and daughters like the ones at the grocery store, so they love these fresh ones. She actually encouraged me to plant more of it- a rare suggestion from someone who sees fruit growing as taking too much of my time. :slight_smile:


Just remember to take pics of your Reservoir. Two cuttings took last year. Gave one to a friend. Kept this one. This variety is a very strong grower.

It has some figs now.


Wow that’s really big! When did you planted yours?

Is looking great, congrats!

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This is mine that I planted this spring, looks promising!

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Bob gave me cutting in early 2019. I managed to get two to grow. So this is its 2nd year. Very strong growing plants since last year. The one I gave my friend was equally big.