still trying to decide if im going to wait and graft varieties onto the scaffolds or just many varieties budded onto the rootstock trunk. maybe do the budding while waiting for the scaffolds to grow out and decide then
Definitely do best for me when it’s nice and warm out with sap pushing. Even when it’s super hot in full summer as long as you shade them.
I have uppoted and moved most of mine outside. Only variety that doesn’t have at least one outside is Bourjassotte Noire, which hasn’t had any buds despite decent root growth. They are a little droppy right now because its 86 and full sun, but they perk back up around 5 when the sun gets behind the tree line.
They’re coming right along!
This gem arrived the other day. I’ve had the electronic version for many years, but it’s such a pleasure to have a hard bound copy.
Reprinted from Jan. 11, 1896.
This shows it, I am still confused how they make it coffee like though
When should someone start fertilizing new cuttings? We are in our growing season here, so I was wondering if I should start feeding them.
The ones that are a total coffee replacement with no coffee in them, they call them ‘Coffee Alternatives’.
I am going to buy some for a coffee lover that I know, and I will try a cup. I myself don’t like Coffee, just the same I am very curious, they have a coca version. Most of them have to be brewed, yet they have their unflavored version available in a tea bag like form as well.
You saw the roots in my post above. That is a sure sign they are ready for fertilization in a larger container.
I am using water-soluble 20-10-20 powder. I am watering once per week. The water is doped at 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.
I have read posts proposing bloom formulas for figs. But figs are not an annual plant grown for flower buds. Experimental fertilizer trials published in the literature have shown the crops do not benefit from extra phosphate.
Once these cuttings develop into saplings and are placed in the automated system outdoors, they will be receiving ~ 3:1:2 (e.g. 18-6-12) in small dosages once a week with their irrigation water.
I have a 30-10-10 water soluble one that I can dilute and use for them and some other stuff.
Thanks for sharing Alan. Definitely curious how it tastes. I love coffee but can’t handle the caffeine so drink decaf once in a while. Are they on youtube? I got off FB over a decade back.
Yes they do, although their own videos on youtube are very few, and don’t really show much, they put way more effort in to their facebook videos, although there are other youtube accounts, that have had them as guests talking about their coffee alternative, and there are also other people talking about FigBrew on youtube, see the following, keep in mind that sometimes they talk about a coffee additive that the same company makes, that was made to add to coffee, not their actual coffee substitute, they do make both, as well as a 50/50 mix that has actual coffee in it.
This is about the owner of FigBrew
Wow thanks Alan I’ll definitely be watching those tonight.
Lately I’ve been trying to finish up my assimilation of fig names circulating in the U.S. So this morning, MS Windows offers me a screen background of Pico do Arieiro, Madeira!
My Bourjassotte Noire finally has a green bud on it. My other two slow growers, 1 Desert King and 1 DFIC 0023, have already branched and have a couple sets of leaves. Looks like all the cuttings took, pretty happy about that.