Violette de Bordeaux, petite negra, little miss figgy, and black Spanish are pretty small and naturally dwarfing from what I have seen and read.
Desert king gets huge.
Lattarula can get big also.
Violette de Bordeaux, petite negra, little miss figgy, and black Spanish are pretty small and naturally dwarfing from what I have seen and read.
Desert king gets huge.
Lattarula can get big also.
Then you will like lattarula (Italian honey). My tree puts out great tasting breba for the first half, once we start watering the lawn for summer rest of breba and the main crops get watered down
Thank you!
Old farmer friend of mine recommends Desert King, and nothing else, he’s been growing fruit trees for roughly 20-25 years, he lives on Vancouver Island, Saanich Peninsula area.
I’ve yet to find any fig that produced better than ‘Desert King’ in western Washington, but ‘Uncle Corky’s’ has been its equal. That said, I’m still not convinced that ‘Uncle Corky’s’ is actually different from ‘Desert King’. I used to think they were slightly different, but the longer I grow them the easier it is to see that any variations between the two trees aren’t any greater than the variations I see within a single tree.
Most of my figs (third leaf since rooting) had freeze injury to the tips and seem to have lost their brebas too (at least mostly they don’t seem to be forming brebas). Minimum was just under 15°F.
The only variety showing any development of a few brebas is “Parise’s Purple,” the unknown cultivar from someone in Portland who brought it from his family’s home in New Jersey, where it was brought from Italy as cuttings when his grandfather (great grandfather?) immigrated:
As you can see, it did take some freeze damage. He said in New Jersey they only get the main crop because of winter dieback, so he wasn’t even sure if it had a breba crop. At least that much has been answered!
from observing my Lattarula tree, there will be some dieback, and loss of brebas every winter. However, a lot of figlets make it for the season and produce good quantity. I think reliable breba crop is a number game the tree should be well established and produces after losing some due to cold injury.