Evaporative cooling and a bit of shade. Dallas mean temp in Dec and Jan are I believe actually lower than Alpine. Your dew points are higher but not so high as to rule out what I’m doing. [quote=“wildscaper, post:20, topic:10519”]
This gh has a very tall vaulted ceiling and it really seems to trap heat. Too much so in summer.
A greenhouse with evaporative cooling is designed to only cool the lower portion where the plants are, basically the area below the top of the pads. The upper area just stays warm. Trying to cool it is a waste of money.
At night mine quickly cools off to be as cold as outdoors. 1-2 hrs after dark the inside is as cool/cold as outside. Yours is going to be the same. They’re all very poorly insulated. My thought would be that the heating bill in winter is less even at 70F than the cooling bill for central ac in summer. So whoever is paying your bill simply has the means to make it happen. It’s probably an incidential expense compared to money going elsewhere or money coming in. I hope that doesn’t sound critical in any way. I’m just imagining that the State Fair of Texas, that I’ve heard a lot about, is a big deal. Sort of like the big greenhouses at Disney World. I’d pay to see both so the setup needs to be special.