Flavor Grenade Pluot

You’ll have to excuse my ignorance @Richard i cant groq this stuff here. I get a plumcot is a plum/apricot what is a pluot, plum/?. I see you west/southern folks posting them alot but i havent googled it to see.

Pluot is a patented term for interspecific Plum X Apricot.

Oh ok, thanks!

First ripe fruit of the season


Great Fruit. For some reason the birds leave it alone. Retains a good crunch when ripe. Flesh is sweet. Hangs on the tree a long time. Sets huge crop. Steer clear if you dont want to thin.


Before and after pruning. I only removed tall and errant whips. Resulting height is about 6.5 feet.


Crazy, I have a similar sized Flavor Grenade tree and I get a maximum of like 5 fruit a year off of it.

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In my environment it bears interstem and on fruit spurs. I am following R.S. Martin’s guide for Apricot but heeding the advice for non-top bearers. See the 3 photographed pages at the end of this post:


Wow, that’s quite a difference. How many fruit do you typically get before and after thinning?

This tree has only been in the ground 4 years and I’ve yet to thin fruit. Last season I harvested less than 2 dozen fruits. :slight_smile:

That seems really low. Was it higher in previous years, or was that the first year it produced? Is FG know to be a sparse bearer?

Do you have any other pluots, and if so, how have they done?

At least in my climate, flavor grenade is a heavy bearer. Needs to be heavily thinned or else it will break branches,

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For my climate it is a young tree. Also, I invest 3-4 years in training trees here because the reward is plentiful. I expect it to bear more in the coming years.

Yes, well-documented for your climate. Congratulations!

Blossoms on our Flavor Grenade Pluot :slightly_smiling_face:


They’re just flowering now?I thought yours should be way ahead of mine.There are tiny fruit-lets on the tree here. Brady


Richard’s is late. Probably from lack of chilling. Socal didn’t have any until March.


Mine is just starting to flower right now as well.

That’s what I was thinking. Chilling makes sense. Just seems weird that my FG bloomed a month ago here in 6B

Agrees with @fruitnut that chilling is the likely answer. @Richard FG should be more on a timeline similar to mine (Zone 8b). I already have 1-3/4" long FG’s.

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This tree has just passed it’s 4th winter here. Each year it has bloomed after our Mid Pride peach, which just set fruit as did our Nectaplum. Our Beauty plum started flowering last week. Our Katy Apricot and Cot-N-Candy aprium have been flowering sporadically since late February. Meanwhile our Snow Queen nectarine just started bud break.