See, I told you so! It just needed another year. It gets better every year! My FS just started to bloom yesterday and is getting ready to explode with blossoms. It should look as good or better than last year.
I feel like the hover flies are my main pluot/plum pollinator. The bees don’t really gravitate towards those trees.
Bees are working on my FS, no problem. I love how they keep switching between this and my neighbor’s plum tree
Despite the heavy bloom, the tree set only about 17 fruits or so. On the flip side, no thinning needed and the fruit size is rather large!
112 days… Not bad
They look like they will be awesome.
I put about 20 FS in the drier this morning. Also drying Speckled Egg, Arctic Rose, and Spice Zee. Of those Flavor Supreme is the best one fresh. Then Spice Zee.
What’s that?
I think he meant the dehydrator. Hopefully, not the clothes dryer!
Spice Zee harvested already?!
They are pretty good. In the league of Flavor King. A Santa Rose plum dropped off the tree too. It tasted like diluted sugar syrup compared to the FS. FS and FK have a spicy flavor to them which none of the plums seem to have.
Just hate the super clingyness.
hahahaha. that was a good laugh. thanks! Dax
Yes of course. They will be drier in 24 hrs than they were, right?
They were soft so I picked them.
Pulled the rest of my FS today. About 50 here, had about 125 total. The brix on these are measuring between 21-24
I believe it is 4th leaf, might be 5th. Last year had 19 fruit hand pollinating. This year the bees were all over it and I didn’t do anything except thin
Those look great. I think FS is my favorite pluot of them all. What will you do with all of those?
If it is the 5th leaf, it is tracking very close to my 4th leaf FS which set about 20 fruits. I hope mine sets as much as yours, next year!