Follow up Visit to Scott Smith Orchard! Part (2) & 2A

Invisalign-trellis. :slight_smile: mostly invisible but aligns the vine with the house.
For fuzzy green kiwis (and a confederate vine on rightmost aspect.)


@kakasamo Jealous your hibiscus is blooming. Mine is being pouty this year. In fact, most everything is pouting. Probably the potting and moving. :pensive: But my palms seem happy in their new home. Putting out new fronds.

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Those are some impressive pomegranates!

I was about to dig mine up this spring but they have not frozen back for I think four years now so I decided to keep them around a bit longer. I am getting some fruits this year, not too many but at least a few. Kaj Acik Anor is the one that has done the best for me, it is more hardy/vigorous than the others. It is over 20’ tall now.

I am still thinking that pomegranates are primarily a novelty in our climate, about the time they get going on fruiting they freeze to the ground… and then you wait five years before they are grown back and fruiting again, and it all repeats. I am on my third round with my oldest plants at this point, this is the third window where they fruited a bit.


Mine are only five or 6 feet tall, I have planted them in the best place I have available, along a mostly south facing brick wall, within about 5 feet of my house. It is not ideal since they are not the most beautiful plants to grow along the street, and they would like to shave my windows.I have been lucky and I have had mild winters with them so far. Who knows what the future will bring

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I have a hard time even imagining what a 20 foot tall pomegranate would look like. The biggest one I’ve ever seen in person is at the national Arboretum in DC, which is what inspired me to try to grow them in the first place. That one is perhaps nine or 10 feet tall

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They will do better next to the house. I used to have my figs in a spot like yours but they blocked all the light coming into the basement so I had to move them. I still have some blackberries there and they kept leaves all winter… it shows how much the heat from the house can help.


Great tips. I’m thinking of getting a pomegranate and I will plant it in a good spot near my house so it has the best chance to survive our winter.