Fried mulberry leaves

the very last frost we got last week hit just as my 2 mulberries were just starting to leaf out. they turned purple then brown. is there a chance they will continue to leaf out? been stuck in this phase for 5 days now with no noticeable difference but it got back cold again . usually the fact that they are one of the last to leaf out is what protects them from this. not this time.

Same happened to me, it took a few weeks for my plants (Pakistan and World’s Best) to recover.


Mine were fried by a late freeze and then a late frost. I was super paranoid but there were a few surviving buds and they have now put on a ton of new growth. It took maybe two or three weeks before the buds broke and started to grow.


Two or three weeks for me as well. Mulberries are about as tough as they come. I would not worry much about them.


My last frost killed the Everbearing one. All the others survived. Geraldi said “what freeze?”
The only mulberry loaded with fruit. Geraldi is a winner.


Sorry to hear about your tree.
When I read the title, I opened the thread expecting to read about a tasty new recipe!


Had geraldi already leafed out when it got hit with a freeze/frost?

Not leafed out but green tip (buds were green and starting to grow), as did all the others. None were leafed out. It’s the only one that had no damage. Some small branches were completely lost on others and the Dwarf Everbearing looks dead. Not growing at all. One advantage to a colder zone, we leaf out later here anyway. A graft I did was in the freeze (it got down to 28F) The top bud was dead but the 2nd node is alive and growing. So half the scion is dead. I did another afterward and it’s growing too. I’m excited as the scion is Black Prince, and it is a very hard to find alba. The owner of the tree had photos of the fruit. Which look firm and unique looking. Photos of the fruit is here

LOL! That’s funny! You can make a tea with the leaves I think?

thanks for the positive news! was surprised as northrop and the russian unnamed mulberry are supposed to be z3 hardy. i just put in riverview last week a few days before that last frost. it came to me fully leafed and suffered no damage.

My Illinois Ever eating seems to have developed a bark problem. This is in a fenced suburban yard, so it not deer damage.

Any thoughts?


Not good is my thought. Besides that I got nothing.


It is about 4 feet long in all. The top of the plant doesn’t seem to be affected yet.


Canker, or the wood died maybe from holding too much water and freezing. Or a sun scald situation, which is related to the thaw-freeze cycle killing the wood. Not much one can do but hope it recovers, which seems not likely but what do I know?

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